Problem Set 4: Graphs, Image Segmentation, and Logic

Due March 15, 2012

The "Your Task" section of Part 2 and the Predicate Logic (Part 3) problem was changed on 3/11/2012 to fix an outstanding error! Please be careful that you are seeing the new version when attempting that problem.

Important notes:

  1. No partners: You must work on this assignment individually.
  2. Compile errors: All programs that you submit must compile. Programs that do not compile will receive an automatic zero. If you are having trouble getting your assignment to compile, please visit consulting hours. If you run out of time, it is better to comment out the parts that do not compile and hand in a file that compiles than hand in a more complete file that does not compile.
  3. Missing functions: We will be using an automatic grading script, so it is crucial that you name your functions and order their arguments according to the problem set instructions, and that you place the functions in the correct files. Otherwise you may not receive credit for a function properly written.
  4. Code style: Please pay attention to style. Refer to the CS 3110 style guide and lecture notes. Ugly code that is functionally correct may still lose points. Take the extra time to think through the problems and find the most elegant solutions before coding them up.
  5. Wrong versions: Please double-check that you are submitting the correct versions of your files to CMS. The excuse, "I had it all done, but I accidentally submitted the wrong files" will not be accepted.

Part 1: Graphs and Percolation (25 points)

Kruskal's Algorithm

A graph is a data structure consisting of a set of vertices, V, and a set of edges, E. An edge e is a set of triples (u, v, w) where u and v are the vertices connected by e and w is the weight of e. A graph is directed if we treat the edges as pointing from one vertex to another, rather than just connecting them. For this problem, we will represent a graph as the number of vertices in the graph, and a single list of all the edges. A graph with the vertex set: {0, ..., n-1} and edge set E consisting of k edges is represented by the tuple: (n, [e_1; ... ;e_k]).

A minimum spanning tree of a graph is a subgraph whose edges connect every vertex and have least weight. Because this property is defined for undirected graphs, you should assume that edges point in both directions in the following discussion. If some vertices are unconnected, we will instead be interested in finding a collection of minimal spanning trees, one for each connected component.

Kruskal's algorithm is a greedy algorithm that computes a minimum spanning tree of a graph. It begins by constructing a graph containing the original vertices and no edges — that is is, each vertex is in its own trivially-connected component. Next, it orders the edges in the original graph in ascending order by weight. It then processes edges in order, adding it to the minimum spanning tree only if it connects two previously unconnected components. Once all edges have been processed, the resulting graph (all of the original vertices and the edges selected by the algorithm) is a minimum spanning tree, or a forest of minimum spanning trees if the original graph was not connected.

Percolation Threshold

Many physical systems can be modeled using a percolation model. In this problem we will consider situations where the model comprises a simple 2-dimensional square grid and each square in the grid is either "occupied" or "vacant". The grid is said to percolate if the top and bottom of the grid are connected by vacant squares. This model is very flexible — depending on how "occupied" and "vacant" are defined, it can be used to represent a variety of systems. For example, to model social interaction, we can use vacant squares to represent people and occupied squares to represent nothing, so that percolation models communication. Another example is a model for electricity where a vacant site is a conductor, an occupied site is an insulator, and percolation means the material represented by a grid conducts electricity.

The likeliness of percolation depends on the site vacancy probability, p. Grids with low vacancy probability, are unlikely to percolate whereas grids with high vacancy probability are likely to percolate. A threshold p* has been discovered experimentally, such that a grid with p < p* almost certainly does not percolate, and a grid with pp* almost certainly does percolate. In this problem, you will estimate this percolation threshold p*. Interestingly, this percolation threshold p* is only known through simulation, and is approximately 0.592746 for large square lattices.

Your task will be to write a function calc_p_threshold that takes an input n representing is the size of the grid to use, and returns an estimated percolation threshold p*. To do this, you should:

We have provided a simple function average_p_threshold which runs calc_p_threshold multiple times for a grid of the same size and averages the results of all of the runs.

Your Task

In the provided file, implement the functions kruskal and calc_p_threshold according to the specifications in the file and the above description.

We have provided an implementation of the disjoint set data structure that you have seen in lecture, which you may find useful. The name of the module is DisjointSet. The file disjointSet.mli gives the signature for this module.

To submit:

Part 2: Graph-based Image Segmentation (55 points)

Example: sigma = 0.5, k = 500, and min_size = 50.

The idea:

The goal of image segmentation is to partition an image into a set of perceptually important regions (sets of contiguous pixels). It's difficult to say precisely what makes a region "perceptually important" — in different contexts it could mean different things. You will implement an algorithm that uses the variation in pixel intensity as a way to distinguish perceptually important regions (also called segments). This simple criterion captures many intuitive notions of a segmentation quite well.

To illustrate how the algorithm uses intensity variation as a way to segment an image, consider the grayscale image below. The image on the right is the result you get from segmenting the image on the left. Each segment is given a white outline and given a solid color. All of the pixels in the large rectangular region on the right have the same intensity, so they are segmented together. The rectangular region on the left is considered its own segment because it is generally darker than the region on the right, and there is not much variation between the intensity of adjacent pixels. Interestingly, the noisy square on the right is considered a single region, because the intensity varies so much.

There are some large differences between the intensities of adjacent pixels in the small square region; larger even than the difference between pixels at the border of the two large rectangular regions. This tells us that we need more information than just the difference in intensity between neighboring pixels in order to segment an image.

Note that the algorithm found a few thin regions in the middle of the image. There is no inherent reason why these regions should be there; they were introduced as an artifact of smoothing the image, a process that will be discussed later.

Parameters: sigma = 0.5, k = 500, min_size = 50.

Image segmentation provides you with a higher-level representation of the image. Often it is easier to analyze image segments than it is to analyze an image at the pixel level. For example, in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge, the Cornell vehicle detected road lines using this image segmentation algorithm. First, a camera in the front of the car takes a picture. Then the image is segmented using the algorithm you are going to implement. Since road lines look quite different from the road around them, they often appear as distinct segments. Each segment is then individually scored on how closely it resembles a road line, using a different algorithm.

The Algorithm

Consider the image as a graph where each pixel corresponds to a vertex. The vertex corresponding to each pixel is adjacent to the eight vertices corresponding to the eight pixels surrounding it (and no other vertices). Each edge has a weight, w(v1, v2), defined as where ri, gi, bi are the red, green, and blue components of pixel i respectively.

The image segmentation algorithm works by building a graph that contains a subset of these edges. We will start with a graph that contains all of the vertices but no edges. For each weighted edge, we will decide whether to add it to the graph or to omit it. At the end of this process, the connected components of the graph are taken to be the segments in the image segmentation (so we will refer to segments and connected components interchangeably).

We define the internal difference of a connected component C as where E(C) is the set of edges that have been added to the graph between vertices in C, and w(e) is the weight of e. If C contains no edges, then define Int(C) = 0.

Also define T(C) = k/|C|, where k is some fixed constant and |C| is the number of vertices in C. We call this the threshold of C.

At the beginning of the algorithm, there are no edges, so each vertex is its own connected component. So if the image is w by h pixels, there are w*h connected components. Sort the edges in increasing order. Now consider each edge {v1, v2} in order from least to greatest weight. Let C1 and C2 be the connected components that vertices v1 and v2 belong to respectively.

If C1 = C2, then omit the edge. Otherwise, add the edge if w(v1, v2) ≤ min(Int(C1) + T(C1), Int(C2) + T(C2)). This merges C1 and C2 into a single component.

Note that T(C) decreases rapidly as the size of C increases. For small components, Int(C) is small (in fact, it is 0 when |C| = 1). Thus Int(C) + T(C) is dominated by T(C) (the threshold) when C is small and then by Int(C) (the internal difference) when C is large. This reflects the fact that the threshold is most important for small components. As we learn more about the distribution of intensities in a particular component (information that is captured by Int(C)), the threshold becomes less important.

Once you have made a decision for each edge in the graph, take each connected component to be a distinct segment of the image.

Merging small components

You will find that the above algorithm produces a number of tiny, unnecessary segments. You should remove these segments once the algorithm is finished by joining small connected components with neighboring components. Specifically: order the edges that were omitted by the algorithm in increasing order. For each edge, if the components it joins are different, and one or both has size less than min_size, then add that edge to the graph. Call min_size the merging constant.


Before segmenting an image, you should smooth it using a Gaussian filter. Smoothing the image makes it less noisy and removes digitization artifacts, which improves segmentation. We have provided you with the code to do this, so you do not need to implement it yourself. Gaussian smoothing takes a parameter σ. The value σ = 0.8 seems to work well for this algorithm; larger values of σ smooth the image more.

Your task:

We have provided you with a module called Image, that provides functions for manipulating images. The module contains functions for loading and saving bitmap files, Gaussian smoothing, and a function for displaying images using the OCaml Graphics library.

Your task is to implement the image segmentation algorithm described above in the Segmentation module as three separate functions: segmentGraph, segmentImage, and mergeSmallComponents.

This section was changed. If you are seeing this warning you are seeing the new version.

Although this algorithm sounds complicated, you should not need to write much code. Our solution is less than 150 lines of code. For convenience, we have provided you with a function called Segmentation.segmentAndShow that segments a bitmap file, colors it using colorComponents, shows you the result, and saves the result as segmented.bmp.

Note: The results of your algorithm may be slightly different from the examples given here, because the order that you consider the equal-weight edges influences the segmentation. In other words, after you sort your edges by weight, if you then permute the edges with equal weight, you may get different results.

To submit:


If you would like to define additional modules, please put them inside the file This will make it easier to test your code.

Any functions or modules defined in will be available in the Segmentation module. For example, if you define a module named Foo in, it can be used as Segmentation.Foo.

This phenomenon occurs because when you compile OCaml code using ocamlc, each file you compile automatically defines a module. For example, functions defined in are automatically placed into a module called Foo without using the module Foo = construct.

Building and running your code

You should build a custom toplevel containing all of your PS4 code, from part 1, part 2 and the karma problem. We have provided a script called buildToplevel.bat (or for Unix) which creates such a toplevel. To start the toplevel, execute the script runToplevel.bat (or ThePart1, Image and Segmentation modules will automatically be loaded.

Part 3: Logic (20 points)

  1. Propositional Logic

    Prove the following statements using the inference rules provided in the lecture on natural deduction (don't use any of the tautologies).

    1. A ∧ ¬B ⇒ ¬(A ⇒ B)
    2. A ∧ (B ∨ C) ⇒ (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
  2. Predicate Logic This section was changed. If you are seeing this warning you are seeing the new version.

    Prove the following statements using the inference rules for propositional and predicate logic in Lectures 13 and 14. Note that P, Q are predicates.

    1. ¬ ∃x.⊥
    2. (∀x.P(x) ⇒ Q(x)) ⇒ ((∀x.P(x)) ⇒ (∀x.Q(x)))

What to Submit

Submit a file logic.txt or logic.pdf containing your solutions.

Karma : More Logic

Prove the following additional statements:

Karma: Tries and String Sorting

Several algorithms, including compression algorithms and string matching algorithms, make use of maps where the keys are sequences of values of a certain type. A trie or prefix tree is an efficient data structure for implementing the map ADT for this kind of map. The set of elements from which key sequences are built is called the alphabet of the trie.

A trie is a tree structure whose edges are labeled with the elements of the alphabet. Each node can have up to N children, where N is the size of the alphabet. Each node corresponds to the sequence of elements traversed on the path from the root to that node. The map binds a sequence s to a value v by storing the value v in the node corresponding to s. The advantage of this scheme is that it efficiently represents common prefixes, and lookups or inserts are achieved using quick searches starting from the root.

Suppose we want to build a map from lists of integers to strings. In this case, edges are labeled with integers, and strings are stored in (some of) the nodes. Here is an example:

The above trie describes the map {[2; 3]->"zardoz", [2; 3; 2]->"cow", [5; 4]->"test", [5; 9]->"hello"}. The values are stored in the nodes. Note that not all nodes have values. For instance, the node that corresponds to the list [5] has no value. Hence, [5] is not in the map.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to implement a trie, and then use it to sort of list of strings in lexicographical order. The sorting function must have O(n) complexity, where n is the sum of the lengths of the strings (assuming the alphabet is of constant size).

To submit:
