CS 3110 Recitation 11:
Proving Correctness by Induction
We want to prove the correctness of the following insertion sort algorithm.
The sorting uses a function insert
that inserts one element into a sorted
list, and a helper function isort'
that merges an unsorted list into a
sorted one, by inserting one element at a time into the sorted part. Functions
and isort'
are both recursive.
let rec insert(e, l): int list =
match l with
[] -> [e]
| x::xs -> if e < x then e::l else x::(insert(e,xs))
let rec isort' (l1, l2): int list =
match l1 with
[] -> l2
| x::xs -> isort'(xs, insert(x, l2))
let isort(l: int list): int list =
isort'(l, [])
We will prove that isort
works correctly for lists of arbitrary size.
The proof consists of three steps: first prove that insert
is correct, then
prove that isort'
is correct, and finally prove that isort
is correct.
Each step relies on the result from the previous step. The first two steps
require proofs by induction (because the functions in question are recursive).
The last step is straightforward.
Correctness proof for insert
We want to prove that for any element e and any list l: 1) the resulting list insert(e, l) is sorted; and 2) that the resulting list insert(e,l) contains all
of the elements of l, plus element e.
The notion that a list l is sorted, written sorted(l), is defined as usual: sorted(l) is true if l has at most one element; and sorted(x::xs) holds if x <= e for all elements e being members of xs, and sorted(xs) holds.
The proof is by induction on length of list l. The proof follows the usual
format of a proof by induction, i.e., specifying what property we want to prove,
what we are inducting on, showing the base case, the inductive step, and clearly
specifying when we apply the induction hypothesis (carefully indicating why we
can apply it, and showing the lists to which it is applied! ).
- Property to prove:
P(n) = for any list l and element e:
if sorted(l) and
length(l) = n
then sorted(insert(e,l)) and
elements(insert(e,l)) = elements(l) U {e}
We want to prove that
P(n) holds for all n >= 0.
Note: elements(l) represents the multiset containing the elements of l.
A multiset is a set where duplicates are allowed in the set. Think of
a set where each element is annotated with the number of occurences (>= 1).
The union operation will increase the cardinality of elements in both sets,
e.g., {1,2} U {1} = {1,1,2}.
- Base case: n = 0. We want to prove that P(0) holds.
Let a list l such that sorted(l) and length(l) = 0.
The only list with length zero is nil,
so l= nil. Therefore, insert(e,l) evaluates as follows:
insert(e, [])
-> (evaluation of function application)
match [] with
[] -> [e]
| x::xs -> ...
-> (pattern matching)
List [e] has one element, so it is sorted by definition.
Hence, insert(e, []) is sorted. Furthermore, elements(insert(e, [])) = elements([e]) = {e} = {e}
= {e} U elements([]). Therefore, the base case holds.
- Inductive step. Assume that P(n) holds. That is, for
any element e and any sorted list of length n, insert(e,l) is sorted and
contains all of the elements of l, plus e.
This is the induction hypothesis IH.
We want to prove that P(n+1) also holds.
That is, we want to prove
that for any e, and any sorted l of length n+1, insert(e,l) is also
sorted and contains all elements of l, plus e.
Let e be an arbitrary element, and l a sorted list of length n+1.
Therefore, l=h::t, where h is less than all elements in t and
t is a sorted list of length n. Also, elements(l) = elements{t} U {h}
Thanks to the evaluation model by substitution, we have a formal
way of describing the execution of insert. According to that model,
the evaluation of insert(e,l) proceeds as follows:
insert(e, l)
-> (function evaluation and replacing l with h::t)
match h::t with
[] -> [e]
| x::xs -> if e < x then n::l else x::(insert(e,xs))
-> (pattern matching)
if e < h then e::l else h::(insert(e,t))
Now we have two possible results depending on the value of the expression
"e < h".
Case 1: If e < h is true, then insert(e,l) = e::l. We have
the following: (a) Since h is less than all elements in t,
and e < h, it means that e is less than all elements in h::t = l. (b) We also know that l is sorted. Together, (a) and (b) imply that e::l is sorted. Therefore, insert(e,l) is sorted.
Also, elements(insert(e,l)) = elements(e::l) = elements(l) U {e}. So P(n+1)
holds in this case.
Case 2. If h <=e, then insert(e,l) = h::(insert(e,t)). Let l' = insert(e,t).
Because t is a sorted list of length n, it means that we can apply the
induction hypothesis. By the IH for element e and list t, the list l'= insert(e,t) is sorted, and elements(l') = elements(t) U {e}.
Since h::t is sorted, h is less than any element in elements(t). Also, h <= e. Therefore h is less than all elements in l'. Along with the fact that l' is sorted, this means that insert(e,l) = h::l' is sorted.
Finally, elements(insert(e,l)) = elements(h::insert(e,t)) = elements(h::l') = {h}
U elements(l') = {h} U {e} U elements(t) = {e} U {h} U elements(t) =
{e} U elements(l). Therefore, P(n+1) holds
in this case.
Since the
conclusion of P(n+1) holds for all branches of evaluation, we have proved
the inductive step.
We can therefore conclude that P(n) holds for all n >= 0.
Proving correctness of isort'
let isort' (l1: int list, l2:int list) =
match l1 with
[] -> l2
| x::xs -> isort'(xs, insert(x, l2))
We will now prove by induction on the length of l1 that isort' works correctly, following
the same proof format.
- Property to prove. We will prove the following property:
= for any lists l1 and l2:
if l1
has length n and
l2 is sorted
l2) is sorted and
elements(isort'(l1, l2)) = elements(l1) U elements(l2).
We prove that P(n) holds for
all n >=0 by induction on n (the length of the first list).
- Base case: n = 0. Let l1 and l2 such that length(l1) = 0 and l2 is sorted.
This means that l1 = nil. According to the substitution model, the evaluation of isort' works as follows:
isort' ([], l2)
-> (evaluation of function application)
match [] with
[] -> l2
| x::xs -> isort'(xs, insert(x, l2))
-> (pattern matching)
The list l2 is a sorted list by assumption, and also contains all
the elements of l2 and [], since the latter is the empty set.
Therefore P(0) holds, and we have proven the base case.
- Induction step. Assume that P(n) holds. That is, for any l1, l2, such that
length(l1) = n and sorted(l2), we have isort'(l1, l2) = l, where l is
sorted and contains all the elements of l1 and l2.
We now want to prove that P(n+1) holds. Let l1 and l2 be two lists
such that length(l1) = n+1 and sorted(l2). Hence, l1 = h::t, where t is a
list of length n. The evaluation of isort'(l1,l2) proceeds as follows:
isort'(l1, l2)
-> (evaluation and replacing l1 with h::t)
match h::t with
[] -> l2
| x::xs -> isort'(xs, insert(x, l2))
-> (pattern matching)
isort'(t, insert(h, l2))
Let l' = insert(h,l2). We know that l2 is sorted. Hence, from the correctness
proof for insert, we know that l' is sorted, and elements(l') = elements(l2) U {h}.
We know that length(t) = n. We also know that t and l' are sorted. Therefore,
we can apply the induction hypothesis (IH). By applying IH to lists t and l', we get that isort'(t,l')
is sorted, and elements(isort'(t,l')) = elements(t) U elements(l').
But elements(l') = elements(l2) U {h}, so elements(isort'(t,l')) =
elements(t) U elements(l2) U {h} = elements(l1) U elements(l2).
Hence the resulting list l'' = isort'(t,l') is sorted and contains
all elements of l1 and l2. This shows that P(n+1) holds.
We conclude that P(n) holds for all n >= 0.
Proving the correctness of isort
It is now straightforward to prove that isort works correctly.
We want to show that for any list l, isort(l) is sorted and
elements(isort(l)) = elements(l).
The evaluation of isort(l) is:
(by substitution)
-> isort'(l, [])
Let l' be the result of evaluating isort'(l, []). From the correctness proof for
isort', we know that l' is sorted and elements(l') = elements(l) U
elements([]) = elements(l) U Â = elements(l). Hence the final result is sorted and contains
all elements of l, Q.E.D..