An inductively defined set is a set where the elements are constructed by a finite number of applications of a given set of rules.
thus the elements of N are {0, S0, SS0, SSS0, …}. S stands for successor. You can then define 1 as S0, 2 as SS0, and so on.
thus the elements of Σ *
Compact way of writing down inductively defined sets: BNF (Backus Naur Form)
Only the name of the set and the rules are written down; they are separated by a "::=", and the rules are separated by vertical bar (∣).
Examples (from above):
n ∈ N: : = 0∣Sn
x ∈ Σ * : : = ε∣xa
a ∈ Σ
r ∈ RE: : = ε∣∅∣a∣r1r2∣r1 + r2∣r *
a ∈ Σ
Here, the variables to the left of the ∈ indicate metavariables. When the same characters appear in the rules on the right-hand side of the : : = , they indicate an arbitrary element of the set being defined. For example, the r1 and r2 in the r1 + r2 rule could be arbitrary elements of the set RE, but + is just the symbol + .
If X is an inductively defined set, you can define a function from X to Y by defining the function on each of the types of elements of X; i.e. for each of the rules. In the inductive rules (i.e. the ones containing the metavariable being defined), you can assume the function is already defined on the subterms.
add2: N→N is given by add2: 0↦SS0 and add2: Sn↦S(add2(n)).
plus: N × N→N given by plus: (0, n)↦n and plus: (Sn, nʹ)↦S(plus(n, nʹ)). Note that we don't need to use induction on both of the inputs.
δ̂: Q × Σ * →Q
If X is an inductively defined set, then you can prove statements of the form ∀ x ∈ X, P(x) by giving a separate proof for each rule. For the inductive/recursive rules (i.e. the ones containing metavariables), you can assume that P holds on all subexpressions of x.
Proof that M is correct (see homework solutions) can be simplified using structural induction
Proof that every regular expression has an equivalent NFA is a structural induction proof.
A proof by structural induction on the natural numbers as defined above is the same thing as a proof by weak induction. You must prove P(0) and also prove P(Sn) assuming P(n).