CS2800: Staff and Office Hours
- Bart Selman: 4148 Upson
- Admin Assistant: Maria Witlox, UP 4115a
TAs and course assistants (append cornell.edu to email addresses):
- Grad TA: Raghuram Ramanujan (raghu@cs)
- Matthew Cong (mdc238)
- Revant Kapoor (rk368)
- Marcus Lim (mkl65)
- Pakawat (Kun) Phalitnonkiat (pp287)
- Scott Rogoff (scr32)
- Sze Kiat Sim (ss642)
- Andy Spielberg (aes89)
- Seth Matthew Weinberg (smw79)
- Jason Wu (jw583)
- Norris Xu (nx26)
- Gexu Zhang (gz54)
- Ran Andy Zhao (rz54)
Office hours sorted by time (all held in UP328 unless otherwise noted):
- Mondays
Revant, Scott -- 3:30-4:30PM
- Tuesdays
Ran, Norris -- 2:00-3:00PM
- Wednesdays
Jason, Matt W -- 11:15AM-12:15PM
Kun, Gexu -- 3:00-4:00PM
Prof. Selman -- 4:00-5:00PM (UP 4148)
- Thursdays
Raghu -- 11:00AM-12:00PM
Sim, Marcus -- 3:30-4:30PM
- Fridays
Andy, Matthew C -- 12:00-1:00PM
In addition to the above office hours, Raghu will hold one additional floating office hour only on weeks when
homeworks are due. Details about the time and date will be announced at the beginning of that week.