2/13/08 (due 2/20/08)
The following problems are all taken from the handout on Number Theory
from Rosen's book:
Section Number Points Comments
2.4 6 4 Use the definition of divisibility!
12(a),(b) 2
14 5 Don't just give the answer. Prove it! Hint: Think in
terms of prime factors. (There's a reason that the
problem is in this chapter ...)
16 3
20 5
28(a),(b) 2
30(a),(b) 2
2.5 22(c),(d) 6
Extra problems:
- 1. [5 points] Do problem 0.2, 33 in DAM3 (DAM2: 0.4, 24), then prove (by induction) that
your formula for f(n) in part (b) is correct.
- 2. [8 points] Let S be the smallest set such that has the following two properties:
- S1. 1 is in S, and
- S2. if x is in S then x+2 is in S.
Define On as inductively as follows:
- O1 = {1}
- O(n+1) = On ∪ {2n+1}.
Let O = ∪ On (note that ∪ is a union symbol, in case it doesn't come our right on your browser).
- (a) Prove that by induction that On = {1,3, ..., 2n-1}.
Note that it follows that O is the set of odd numbers.
- (b) Prove that O = S. (Recall that this means you have to prove
that S is a subset of; O and O is a subset of S. To show
that S is a subset of O, use the fact that S is the smallest
set satisfying S1 and S2. To show that O is a subset of S, prove by
induction that On is a subset of S.)
- 3. [5 points] Define a function h inductively as follows.
- h(1) = h(2) = 1
- h(n) = h(n-1)^2 + h(n-2) if n > 2.
The function h grows quickly after the first few values.
(a) Compute h(5).
(b) Prove that for all n > 1 that the greatest common divisor of h(n) and
h(n-1) is 1 (i.e., h(n) and h(n-1) are relatively prime). (Hint:
induction is a good approach here).