Computer Science 280: Homework 2

Important Note: In problems where the reasoning isn't totally obvious, EXPLAIN your reasoning. This is an important part of the thinking process (and also gives you a chance for partial credit). Note that there are solutions to some of the problems (but not any of the ones assigned for homework) at the back of the book. You may want to check them out to get ideas for the assigned problems. Also note that this problem set is a bit longer than usual, although it should be pretty straightforward.

Homework 2:
2/4/04 (due 2/11/04) Read: 0.4 - 0.7, 1.1 - 1.6, Supplementary problems 4, 6 (read them; you don't have to do them for homework).

Section   Number         Points    Comments
0.4: 	  6(b) 		 1
	  10(b),(d),(f)  6
	  14 	         3          Hint: use the formal definition of floor
          29 		 3
          33 		 3
          35 		 3
	  39 		 3          List the expressions in increasing order
0.5: 	  3(c) 		 3
          4(a) 		 3
          6 		 6
	  8 		 3
0.6: 	  9(b) 		 3
0.7 	  4(b),(d) 	 2
	  5(b),(c),(e)	 3
 	  11(b),(c),(e)	 3         
1.4 	  7 		 4 
1.5 	  17(d)          4
	  20 		 4