Important Note: In problems where the reasoning isn't totally obvious, EXPLAIN your reasoning. This is an important part of the thinking process (and also gives you a chance for partial credit).
Section Number Points Comments/Hints Prologue: 7 2 0.1: 10(b),(d) 6 VENN DIAGRAMS AREN'T ENOUGH HERE (DESPITE WHAT IT SAYS IN THE TEXT). YOU NEED AN ENGLISH PROOF. 12 4 14 5 If you don't think D-B=A, give acounterexample. 15 2 17 4 0.2 6(b),(c) 4 10(b) 3 12(b),(c) 4 0.3 8 10 If you don't think a function is injective/surjective, give a counterexample. 0.4 19 2
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