CS 280 Discrete Structures - Fall, 2003
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"Be not afraid of greatness.  Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em." - William Shakespeare (from Twelfth Night)

For more information about Fall 2003 finals, visit CUINFO.

The final exam will be held Tuesday, December 16, 3:00-5:30pm, in 101 Phillips Hall. 

Several students have asked about a makeup exam because of a conflict with their physics exam.  The physics exams begin at 9:00am on December 16 and the CS 280 exam begins at 3:00pm, so there is not a conflict.  A makeup exam is not being scheduled.  To determine when your final exams are scheduled, visit http://www.cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/EXFA.html.

Review sessions will be held on Monday, December 8, 3:30-6:00pm in B17 Upson Hall and on Sunday, December 14 (time/location TBA).




Department of Computer Science