4/6/2002: Grades are in (finally!). Please email if you're curious about yours. Homeworks will available outside my door next week. Although they don't contain much in terms of comments...
3/13/2002: The notes for lectures 8--11 are now online. I've also added a link to the extensive Perl 5.6 documentation at O'Reilly's perl.com.
3/12/2002: Submission procedures for HW3. Email me your three shell scripts. One script per email, with subject line CS214 HW3: <script name here>.
3/8/2002: HW3 is available. Due next friday.
3/6/2002: HW3 will be handed out on friday.
3/6/2002: Submission procedures for HW2. Email me your shell scripts. One script per email, with subject line CS214 HW2: <script name here>.
2/27/2002: Homework 2 is available. Due next wednesday, at 23:59:59, as usual.
2/26/2002: Submission procedures for HW1. Let's keep this simple: email me (riccardo@cs.cornell.edu) your shell scripts. One script per email, with subject line CS214 HW1: <script name here>. Oh, and put your name in your scripts, if you care about feedback or grades.
2/21/2002: Added a paragraph to the homework, essentially reminding you that you can use lynx to view the indices you get after running your script.
2/20/2002: The accounts for students registered as of last monday have been created on the CSUG machines. Please refer here for how to setup the initial password for your account. Note that you do not need to go through this step if you already have a CSUG account because of another course you are taking this semester. For general info on the CSUG lab, see here. The UNIX machine we are actually using is babbage.csuglab.cornell.edu. From any of the CSUG machines, run telnet. Your username on babbage is your netid, and your password is the same as you CSUG password.
2/20/2002: HW1 is out. It is due 2/27/02, at 23:59:59. Submission instructions will be posted here in due time.
2/20/2002: HW1 will get out when the accounts are ready, and will be due one week later. I foolishly did not realized that Spring break is right after the course, so there will only be three homeworks for this course.