Welcome to CS 212

Course Description

A project course that introduces students to the ways of software engineering using the Java programming language. The course requires the design and implementation of several large programs.

Course Objectives

In CS 212, you are expected to accomplish the following:

To help you develop these skills, you will work on a large-scale project that we split into four assignments.  The assignments are briefly described below.

Lectures & Sections


The Project

Academic Integrity

All students must follow the Code of Academic Integrity (AI) at all times. The penalty for any violation of the code is severe. The rules below represent our implementation of the Department of Computer Science Code of Academic Integrity and the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity.

Course Grade

Your final grade will be based on the assignments; there are no exams for this course. All partners are expected to contribute equally. If discrepancies arise, we will adjust course grades accordingly, as stated above in the section on the Project. The approximate weights for each part are are listed below.  The Course Evaluation counts toward 1% of your grade.