Using Eclipse
For those of you who are using Eclipse, here is a quick guide to getting JAR libraries working with
your project. You should have downloaded a JAR file for AMS from the Source link on the CMS website - don't
try to decompress or expand it.
Creating a New Project
- In Eclipse, go to File→New→Project. Select
Java Project.
- Fill in the project name and location, etc, and click Next.
- Four tabs should appear on the next page - Source, Projects,
Libraries, and Order and Export. Go to the Libraries tab
- In there, click the Add External JARs button. Locate the JAR file you downloaded and add
- Finish creating the project, and then write your code.
Adding Libraries to an Existing Project
- Go to either the Navigator or Package Explorer pane. If you don't see either of those views, go to
the Windowmenu, Show View, and select either Navigator or
Package Explorer.
- Right click on the project you want to add libraries to. Select Properties.
- In the window that pops up, select Java Build Path from the left hand side.
- Follow steps 3-4 from Creating a New Project, above
- Click OK to close the window
Now your project should have access to the SaM packages and classes and should compile correctly.