CS212 Grades
Regrade Information


If you believe that you need a regrade, you need to write a summary explaining why you should get points back. Staple this to the assignment and give it to a course staff member. The assignment will then be completely regraded - you may gain some points back, but you also may lose more points.

If you have a specific question about grading, check with the person who graded the problem. It's probably better to see why you lost points before submitting your assignment for a complete regrade.

After processing regrades, you may pick up the assignment from Joan Lockwood in Upson 4147.

Who Graded the Problem?

Eli Barzilay Carson Bloomberg
Brandon Bray Tony Faradijan
Aleksey Kliger David Liben-Nowell
Greg Morrisett Manish Sambhu
Jeff Vinocur Grant Wang
Maverick Woo