CS212 Problem Sets
Correction History - Problem Set 5

April 2, 1999

Problem Set posted to the web page
(Submitted by Course Staff, posted by Brandon)
Swindle Update made available (Version 16)
(Posted by Eli)
Made sources viewable from the web page
(Posted by Brandon)

April 4, 1999

Changed set-car! and set-cdr! to (set! (head p) v) and (set! (tail p) v)
(Posted by Brandon)
Updated Class Hierarchy picture
(Posted by Brandon)

April 6, 1999

Reaper now also ignores Microsoft in addition to the Gorge of Eternal Peril
(Posted by Brandon)
File Changes

(Posted by Brandon and Eli, tested by Jeff and Carson)
Swindle Update made available (Version 17)
(Submitted by Brandon, Posted by Eli)

April 10, 1999

Changed the requirement for look-in-cart in Problem 5. The new requirement fits much better with the source code we provided. Instead of writing a command look-in-cart, just modify the functionality of look.
(Suggested by Eli, Posted by Brandon)

April 12, 1999

Allowed you to use a queue to locate new corpses. You do not have to use a queue if you do not wish to. If you want to use a queue, you must include this definition when you evaluate your solutions.
(Approved by Course Staff, Posted by Brandon)
File Changes

(Posted by Brandon and Eli, Tested by Brandon and Carson)
Swindle Update made Available (Version 18)
(Submitted by Brandon, posted by Eli)
Added short walk through to the "Goal of Game" page.
(Posted by Brandon)
Added more suggestions to the Extra Credit Contest on the Just for Fun page.
(Posted by Brandon)

April 16, 1999

File Changes - Minor Corrections
(Posted by Eli)
Swindle Update made Available (Version 19)
Swindle Update made Available (Version 20)
(Posted by Eli)