CS212 Problem Sets
Correction History - Problem Set

March 5, 1999

Problem Set posted to the web page
(Submitted by Course Staff, posted by Brandon)
Swindle Update made available (Version 7)
(Posted by Eli)

March 10, 1999

Correction to syntax in Problem 1 example output -- method changed to lambda
(Submitted by Aleksey, Posted by Brandon)
Removed duplicate output examples from problem 7
(Submitted by David, Posted by Brandon)
Correction to Introduction & Problem 2 -- <directed-edge> changed to <edge>
(Submitted by David, Posted by Brandon)

March 14, 1999

Correction to defstruct reader functions in output examples -- get-???-??? is the correct syntax
(Submitted by Newsgroup Readers, Posted by Brandon)
Correction to explanation of Automata -- Sigma is made up of <primitive> types instead of <object>
(Submitted by Newsgroup Readers, Posted by Brandon)