January 26, 1999
First recitation is tomorrow in Upson B7 (demo of DrScheme system)
Grading: last year about 1/3 A's, 1/2 B, 1/6 C or less. "Past performance is no guarantee of future results."
1. Problem sets count for a lot. Do them.
2. Short homeworks -- don't count as much but will exercise things and make the big problem sets a lot easier to finish fast.
3. Periodic in-class short quizzes.
The short homeworks and quizzes will give you feedback early in the course as to whether you're doing well. Note that because early problem sets are much easier than later ones, and that the prelims occur fairly late in the semester, you should consider your quiz and homework scores carefully around the drop deadline.
Working together: For the short homeworks, you should work alone. For the problem sets, up to two people may work together but if you do so you MUST hand in ONE joint assignment. You may *not* share code with anyone else. Cheating is the best way to get an F (or worse). Please read the CS Department code of academic integrity on the CS Dept Undergrad web site. If you are unsure, ask. We will clarify the policy on each homework or problem set so there will be as little confusion as possible.
Morrisett's office hours: after class on Tuesday/Thursday or by email appointment
Read the announcements on the web page carefully. Corrections to assignments, updates, etc. will be posted there and on the newsgroup. All course materials and software are on the Web. There is no textbook -- we'll put notes up on the web and distribute them in class. There are some recommended text books listed on the web page. Note: the lecture notes are to help you, but they are just notes prepared for the lecturer, not a book. Perhaps they will be ready in advance or perhaps not. They will be on the Web.
The software is a modern development environment for Scheme called DrScheme. We've added our own extensions (called Swindle) to do very advanced object oriented programming. The environment provides a syntax-highlighting editor (very important for Scheme), online help, good libraries, good debugging support, etc. Also, it's designed for teaching.
The software should be installed on the CIT Windows machines (e.g., in the Upson B7 lab). You can also download the software and install it on your own machine if you have one. (DrScheme also runs on Macs and Unix boxes.) See the Web page for more information.
DrScheme demos will be given tomorrow (Wednesday, Jan. 27) during scheduled section hours (hopefully -- CIT hadn't gotten the software installed as of Friday so we'll see. Keep your eye on the web page and/or course newsgroup for announcements.)
CS 212 is more work (we cover more) and also more credit hours. (I've had people that think that got a B in 212 that thought they could get an A in 211. Keep that in mind when deciding on the course.)
CS 212 is recommended for CS majors.
You will get an opportunity to learn Java (take CS 112: transition to Java)
Major pre-requisite is willingness to work and to think clearly and to go beyond programming to learn more about the science of computer science. You *don't* need to know how to program particularly (and, in fact, being a great programmer isn't a big advantage.) We will assume a certain degree of mathematical sophistication -- not calculus per se although we assume you know what a derivative/integral is. Best preparation is High School geometry!
We cover:
Style of the course:
This course could be called an INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE.
* That's a terrible name, actually. It's not about either one. It's not really about computers per se; They're our tools. You wouldn't call surgery ``Scalpel Science'' or math ``Arithmetic Science''
It's more like some combination of
Names of disciplines are mostly misleading. Geometry comes from ``Ghia Metra'', ``Geo Metry'', meaning ``Earth measure''
In Egypt, the priesthood was charged with restoring boundaries of fields after the annual flood when all the boundary markers got swept away. They invented geometry, more or less, to handle distances and angles and areas.
Geometers are not still measuring the earth -- not mostly anyways. The main contribution was FORMALIZING NOTIONS OF SPACE.
Similarly, We are using tools (computers, occasionally RNA and other gadgets) to do computation. Our most lasting work is probably FORMALIZING NOTIONS OF COMPUTATION. Understanding what it means to compute.
Most of 212 is Building your skills in REASONING ABOUT COMPUTATION.
1. Writing programs: Bag of Tricks
2. Understanding programs
3. Better Problem Solving:
Single most important mantra: a little bit of thinking is worth a lot of coding (or: don't hack - think!)
Almost all exam questions, problem set questions have very short solutions. But that doesn't mean they're easy...
There are two classes of high-power programmers:
Wizards do all kinds of amazing things,
Experts do other kinds of amazing things:
Never program behind a wizard. (You can't understand their code, or fix it.)
You can be both:
We can't quite train you to be a wizard.
We can, and will, train you to be an expert.
Later courses (and what CSists do) are *not* programming courses, mostly
Computational Processes aren't quite mathematics, though:
Good programming languages are primarily declarative yet precise. Our goal is to help you develop some computational rigor: precise descriptions of how to compute something.
Declarative vs. Imperative:
DECLARATIVE: sqrt(x) is the unique y such that y*y = x and y >= 0.
Well, to compute sqrt(x) we could try all possible y's, compute y*y, and check if it's x. But that would take a long time.
Proof: g > sqrt(x) -> 1/g < 1/sqrt(x) -> x/g < x/sqrt(x)
ALGORITHMIC or COMPUTATIONAL knowledge: To find sqrt(x) -- or rather, a good enough approximation to it --
This is one of the first ALGORITHMS (= METHODS OF COMPUTATION)
* Heron of Alexandria, about 100 AD (Newton generalized it to cover almost everything, so it's called Newton's Method)
It works quite well:
* Take x = 2,
* guess g=1, why not?
* x/g = 2, so g := 3/2 = 1.5
* x/g = 4/3, so g := 17/12 = 1.4166666
* x/g = 24/17, so g := 557/408 = 1.4142156
which is off by 6e-6.
A key idea of the course:
** e.g., define sqrt(x) to be the result of doing Newton's method.
Stereo connectors
We'll use the programming language Scheme.
First lie of many! (This course is successively lies, each a bit closer to the truth) (Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Einstein). Kind of like the sqrt algorithm...
Rules of Scheme: - Grammar (aka Syntax) * It's described as ``Prefix-order, fully parenthesized''
1. The operation to perform comes *first* (prefix-order)
2. Every part of the program has parentheses around it,
This has two effects:
1. The grammar is *very* simple
2. It's kind of alien at first. It isn't "just like Pascal or C". Mantra: "Scheme is not C++/Pascal/C/Java".
For example, the Pascal 4+5*2 [AMBIGUOUS] is the Scheme (+ 4 (* 5 2)) [NOT]
Another example: in Pascal,
IF false THEN
IF true THEN x:=1
ELSE x:=2
does nothing. [Pascal's ambiguous, and there's a special rule which makes it read
IF false THEN
(IF true THEN x:=1
ELSE x:=2) ]
In Scheme, the analogous code is never ambiguous. That doesn't mean it's always easy for humans to read it!
Everything in Scheme is an EXPRESSION, which means that it has a value.
The value of (+ 4 (* 5 2)) is 14.
Mantra: Everything in Scheme is an expression, and has a value.
An expression is either
PRIMITIVES are variables and constants:
sequence of characters not containing parentheses, spaces
(There's a little more to it than that)
1 -31 "a string" x a-long-variable-name +
(note the last one! the name of a function is a variable just like any other)
COMBINATION: is one or more expressions
(+ 3 5)
(gcd (+ 51 8) 6)
The order of expressions in a combination is ALWAYS: (OPERATOR operand1 ... operandn)
Note that the definition of an EXPRESSION is recursive (really, inductive, it is a PRIMITIVE or COMBINATION, the latter of which is one or more EXPRESSIONs). First of many...
We can abbreviate the definition of the syntax of Scheme using the following notation:
<prim> ::= 1 | -31 | "a string" | x | a-long-variable-name | + | ...
<exp> ::= <prim> | ( <combination> )
<combination> ::= <exp> | <combination> <exp>
where we interpret "|" as meaning "or".
For *almost* all operators, the value of a combination is determined by the following rule:
To evaluate a combination:
E. Evaluate the subexpressions. [[ THIS RULE IS RECURSIVE: ``to evaluate, evaluate''! ]]
A. Do the specified operation (value of the first expression) to the operands (remaining expressions)
Example: (* (+ 3 4) 2)
E. Evaluate *. It comes out as `multiply.'
E. Evaluate (+ 3 4)
E. Evaluate +. It's `add'
E. Evaluate 3. It's 3
E. Evaluate 4. It's 4
A. Add 3 and 4. It's 7
E. Evaluate 2. It's 2
A. Multiply 7 by 2. It's 14
Note that we're doing it inside-out. More formally, we might write:
(num) i => i (a number evaluates to itself)
e2 => j e3 => k j+k=i
(+ e2 e3) => i
e2 => j e3 => k j*k=i
(* e2 e3) => i
These are proof rules that tell us when a combination evaluates to a given value.
We can prove that our expression (* (+ 3 4) 2) evaluates to 14 using the rules:
So far we have a fully-parenthesized 4-function calculator. Big deal. They're free in cereal boxes.
The same basic mechanism holds for all Scheme expressions
One of the most powerful abstraction techniques is to give things names.
This sounds kind of trivial, but it's very hard to get the right parts of a problem and give them the right names. Much of system DESIGN is thinking clearly about what the PARTS of something are, not just hacking, and naming things descriptively can help.
The way to name a global variable in Scheme is using the special form define:
(define data (+ 9 4))
data is now 13
(define add-up +)
add-up is now the same function that + is
(define worf (add-up data 2))
worf is now 15
In general (define name expr) defines the NAME to be the VALUE that we get when we evaluate EXPR.
The general evaluation rule given above wouldn't work for define:
So that doesn't work
* Studying computational processes in a language (Scheme) Two parts:
* The language has simple, uniform evaluation rules
* One of the most important aspects of good program design is good abstraction, and a lot of that involves thinking clearly about complex things. This course is about techniques for doing that.