CS212 Exams
Final Information

Date: Friday, May 14, 1999
Time: 9:00 - 11:30 am
Place: Hollister B14

Review: Thursday, May 13, 1999, 6:30-8:30pm, Upson 205
Office Hours: Professor Morrisett will be available by appointment all week

You're coming towards the end....  As before, you will not be allowed to bring any materials to the exam. The only thing you will need is a pencil and a functioning brain (i.e., get some sleep before the exam). We will again provide you with the Scheme and Swindle Quick References - it would be a good idea to know these by heart.

Material Coverage

This semester has covered a lot of material.  Here is a fairly comprehensive list of what you have learned. If you feel comfortable with everything in this list, you're in good shape. (Of course, I might have missed something in the list, so keep checking to see if something else shows up).

Topics From Lecture & Section

Topics From Problem Sets

What should I study?

Things to Think About

Here are a few things to get your brain warmed up.

What Will Happen at the Review Session

This web page already has a fairly extensive summary of the course, so it will be rather pointless to repeat this material. The review session will provide an opportunity for you to get last minute questions answered before the exam. Make sure to bring questions to the review. Additional examples and pointers on preparing for the exam will also be covered.

Sample Exams

Use these practice exams as a study tool. There's plenty of problem's here, and you should be able to do all of them.

Prelim I

Prelim II
