{Error : "Parse : Unknown character: 0x29'."}
This means that you probably have an extra right paren ')' somewhere in the code just evaluated. Count your parens, and try again. If this doesn't help, save your work and restart Netscape. I have seen this error appear when the parens do match, and the only way to fix this is to restart the applet. Of course, if restarting the applet doesn't help, then you should count your parentheses again. =P
{Error : "Parse : Unterminated list--too few ')')"}
This means that you are missing a right paren ')' somewhere. Check your parens. The only case where you will erroneously get this message is if you have a minus sign, '-' immediately followed by a right paren, ')' - for example, ((method (x) x) -) or (singleton '-). This is due to a bug in parsing. You will need to put a space between the minus sign and the paren.
{Error : "Unbound variable x"}
This means that a variable called 'x' has been referenced somewhere in the code, and NOODLLE has no clue what x is supposed to be. Either it needs to be defined, or it needs to be bound (in a bind). Or maybe you just need to reference the right variable. Whatever it is, there is something wrong in your code.
{Error : "Define : Requires variable and value, or (variable type) and value."}
This is mostly pretty self-explanatory. Make sure that the value is a single expression, and not a body. It is possible that there is an extra paren somewhere earlier in the code, closing off the expression before you really want to.
{Error : "Apply : Too many arguments in function {Method : cons ((P {Class <object>(1)})(Q {Class <object>(1)}))}"}
One of your calls to the function specified (in this case, cons) has too many arguments. Just look for all calls to the function and find the error.
{Error : "Apply : Too few arguments in function {Method : cons ((P {Class <object>(1)})(Q {Class <object>(1)}))}"}
Same as above, except there are too few arguments.
Ctrl-E does not work.
In the middle of a (read), or while anything is currently being evaluated, Ctrl-E will not work, and you will have to use the EVAL button instead.
To make the text reappear after flashing, you just have to do something that will make Java call repaint: minimize, cover, or highlight. If you highlight while the game is printing text, it will replace everything you highlight. Be careful to highlight the text only when the screen has stopped flashing.
{Error : "Object #f failed type constraint <object>"},
then you must restart Noodlle by pressing Shift-"Reload". If it does not help, restart Netscape.
Sometimes NOODLLE seems to be running, but it is rejecting obviously correct code. In this case, try pressing Shift-"Reload button". If it does not help, you should restart Netscape after clearing both the memory and the disk cache. This clears out all instances of NOODLLE from memory. If it does not help, try it on another computer if possible.
If all else fails, bring it into consulting, and we can track down your bug or tell you if the problem is NOODLLE. If you have a short description, how one can reproduce your problem, post it to cornell.class.cs212 newsgroup.
Do NOT assume that the error you are getting is NOODLLEs fault! If restarting Netscape and trying another computer does not get rid of your problem, then it is more likely that there is a bug in your code.
If this is an emergency, you may also e-mail Melissa Ho (for interpreter related problems)
Last update: 01/19/00 11:36 PM