Here we have space to list detailed reading expectations for each lecture, along with instructor commentary that may be a little tangential.
Lecture 1: Course overview
Post-lecture tasks
There are a lot of these after the first lecture, but don’t worry—the pace will even out quickly.
- Follow the setup guide to install and configure IntelliJ on your computer
- Register your iClicker remote
- Read the syllabus (yes, all of it) and take the syllabus quiz on Canvas
- If you are new to Java, read the transition to Java guide
- Access the textbook’s online supplement 1: Java Basics (this will be assigned reading for the next few lectures, but it is only available online)
- Start working on Assignment 1
Required reading
If you are already familiar with Java, you can skim these resources to review any details you may have forgotten. If you are new to Java, these are the resources you should use to learn its procedural syntax (these foundations will not be discussed further in lecture).
- Transition to Java
- Supplement 1—Java Basics: S1.2–S1.31, S1.38–S1.50, S1.57–S1.63, S1.66–S1.80, S1.86–S1.96
Supplemental reading
Supplemental readings are optional, but they should be the first place you go if a topic is still unclear after reviewing lecture notes and the textbook. They are also valuable if you want to broaden and deepen your knowledge of the material. These curated links are of much higher quality than the top search results on Google.
- The Java Tutorials: Language Basics
Lecture 2: Objects
Required reading
Unless linked or otherwise specified, readings refer to chapters and sections from our textbook, Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, Fifth Edition. If you do not have a paper copy, you should be able to access an electronic version via the “Course Materials” link on Canvas.
- Appendix B—Java Classes: B.1–B.16, B.22–B.28, B.34–B.35
- Java Interlude 6—Mutable and Immutable Objects
- Object Diagram Rules
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 1 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- The Java Tutorials: Classes and Objects
- JavaHyperText: types 0–2, classes 1A–1C
- Myers: Objects and Values
Lecture 3: Abstraction, encapsulation
Required reading
- Prelude—Designing Classes: P.1–P.11
- Appendix B—Java Classes: B.17–B.26
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: access modifier, constructor, new-expression…
- Myers: Encapsulation and Information Hiding
Lecture 4: Specifications, testing
Required reading
- Appendix A—Documentation and Programming Style: A.1–A.12
- Code style
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 2 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: class invariant, javadoc comment, specification, precondition, postcondition
- Myers: Designing and documenting interfaces, Modular Design and Testing
Lecture 5: Interfaces, subtyping
Required reading
- Prelude—Designing Classes: P.12–P.20
Post-lecture tasks
- Start working on Assignment 2
Supplemental reading
- The Java Tutorials: Interfaces
- JavaHyperText: interface, compile-time reference rule
- Myers: Interfaces and subtyping
Lecture 6: Inheritance
Required reading
- Appendix C—Creating Classes from Other Classes: C.1–C.24
- Prelude—Designing Classes: P.21–P.22, P.28–P.31
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 3 on Canvas
- Review Assignment 1 feedback
Supplemental reading
- The Java Tutorials: Inheritance
- JavaHyperText: inheritance, extends, subclass, superclass, bottom-up rule, override, super, this
- Myers: Inheritance and the specialization interface
Lecture 7: Exceptions, I/O
Required reading
- Java Interlude 2—Exceptions
- Java Interlude 3—More About Exceptions: J3.1–J3.8
- Supplement 1—Java Basics: S1.32–S1.37, S1.81–S1.85
- Supplement 2—File Input and Output: S2.1–S2.19
- Input/output in Java
Supplemental reading
- The Java Tutorials: Exceptions, Basic I/O
- JavaHyperText: exceptions
- Myers: Exceptions
Lecture 8: Generics
Required reading
- Introduction—Organizing Data
- Chapter 1—Bags
- Java Interlude 1—Generics
- Chapter 2—Bag Implementations That Use Arrays
Supplemental reading
- The Java Tutorials: Generics, Introduction to Collections
- JavaHyperText: bag, data structure, abstract data type, generics
- Myers: Parametric Polymorphism (generics)
Lecture 9: Linked structures
Required reading
- Chapter 3—A Bag Implementation That Links Data
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 4 on Canvas
Lecture 10: Ordered collections
Required reading
- Chapter 5—Stacks: 5.1–5.4
- Chapter 6—Stack Implementations: 6.1–6.12
- Chapter 7: 7.1–7.13 (Queue ADT)
- Chapter 8: 8.1–8.16 (Queue implementations: linked and array-based)
- Chapter 10—Lists
- Chapter 11—A List Implementation That Uses an Array: 11.1–11.13
- Chapter 12—A List Implementation That Links Data: 12.1–12.24
Supplemental reading
- Abstract data types
- JavaHyperText: list, linked list, doubly-linked list, stack, queue
- Myers: Linked lists
Post-lecture tasks
- Start working on Assignment 3
Lecture 11: Efficiency
Required reading
- Chapter 4—The Efficiency of Algorithms
- Chapter 19—Searching: 19.1–19.18, 19.21–19.24 (skips recursive searches, for now; will revisit in Lecture 15)
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 5 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: algorithmic complexity
- Myers: Asymptotic complexity
Lecture 12: Recursion
Required reading
- Chapter 5—Stacks: 5.22
- Chapter 9—Recursion
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: recursion (do you get the joke?)
- Myers: Recursion
- Chapter 14—Problem Solving with Recursion
Lecture 13: Trees I
Required reading
- Chapter 24: 24.1–24.17, 24.22–22.24, 24.28–24.31
- Chapter 25: 25.1–25.2, 25.9–25.11, 25.18
- Chapter 26: 26.1–26.18, 26.40–26.43
Instructor’s notes
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 6 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: trees (1, 2, 3, 5)
- Myers: Trees
Lecture 14: Trees II
Post-lecture tasks
- Start working on Assignment 4
Lecture 15: Loop invariants
Required reading (JavaHyperText)
Supplemental reading
- Myers: Loop invariants
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 7 on Canvas
Lecture 16: Sorting
Required reading
- Chapter 15—An Introduction to Sorting: 15.1–15.14
- Chapter 16—Faster Sorting Methods: 16.1–16.7, 16.9–16.19, 16.23
Instructor’s notes
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: sorting (1, 2)
- Myers: Sorting
Lecture 17: Dictionaries and hashing
Required reading
- Chapter 20—Dictionaries
- Chapter 22—Introducing Hashing: 22.1–22.8, 22.10–22.15, 22.24–22.26
- Chapter 23—Hashing as a Dictionary Implementation: 23.1–23.2, 23.6–23.8, 23.16–23.17
Instructor’s notes
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 8 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: hash table
- Myers: Hash tables
Lecture 18: Graphs
Required reading
- Chapter 29: 29.1–29.10, 29.25–29.26
- Chapter 30: 30.1–30.22
Instructor’s notes
We will cover chapters 29 and 30 over the course of two or three lectures. The graph algorithms parts of the chapters are the main sections we skip in this introductory lecture. So for today’s reading you can skip over anything about traversals or shortest paths; we’ll come back to those later. Do concentrate on terminology and on representations.
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: graphs, topics 1–3: definitions, terminology, representations
- Myers: Graphs
Lecture 19: Graph traversals
Required reading
- Chapter 29: 29.11–29.15
- Chapter 30: 30.23
Instructor’s notes
DFS is most cleanly implemented recursively (as in lecture), which is not shown in the textbook. The textbook’s iterative implementation does a better job of matching a recursive version than others I’ve seen (e.g. JavaHyperText), but the pseudocode leaves out some details, and there is no concrete implementation in chapter 30.
The textbook’s treatment of topological sorting describes Kahn’s algorithm, but in reverse, starting with the last vertex in the order and accumulating vertices in a Stack to effectively reverse the order that they were added in. It also only provides pseudocode, leaving out details for how to efficiently find nodes with no successors after vertices have been removed. The lecture slides and demo code show the “forward” Kahn’s algorithm, including an efficient way of identifying nodes with no predecessors. Discussion activity 12 will introduce an alternative algorithm that uses depth-first search instead (which I find more elegant). It turns out that reversing the DFS “settled” order gives a topological order.
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 10 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: Depth-first and breadth-first search
- Myers: Graph traversals
Lecture 20: Shortest paths
Required reading
- The shortest-path algorithm
- Chapter 29: 29.16–29.24
- Chapter 30: 30.24
Instructor’s notes
The online reading (including videos) from JavaHyperText is much more thorough than the textbook on this topic, highlighting the loop invariant and proof of correctness.
Post-lecture tasks
- Start working on Assignment 6
Supplemental reading
Lecture 21: Priority queues and heaps
Required reading
- Chapter 7: 7.19–7.21
- Chapter 8: 8.34
- Chapter 24: 24.32–24.34
- Chapter 27
Instructor’s notes
The textbook places the root of the tree at array index 1 instead of 0, which simplifies the parent/children formulas a bit.
But it later reimplements reheap()
(analogous to our bubbleDown()
) using a 0-based convention for use in heapsort.
We’ll stick to the 0-based convention.
The textbook makes a point of avoiding swaps when bubbling up and down by only moving existing values and not writing the new value until its final location is known. This is a legitimate optimization, but we’ll stick with swaps because they make it easier to visualize the comparisons that are taking place.
At this point in the textbook, its method specifications range from poor to missing altogether. We’ll try to do better in our demo code.
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 11 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: Heaps, HeapSort
- Myers: Priority Queues and Heaps
Lecture 22: Graphical User Interfaces
Instructor’s notes
Supplemental reading
- The Swing tutorial: Using Top-Level Containers
- The Swing tutorial: A Visual Guide to Layout Managers
- Myers: Graphical User Interfaces: Display and Layout
Lecture 23: Event-driven programming
Required reading
- JavaHyperText: anonymous function - lambda
Instructor’s notes
Post-lecture tasks
- Start working on Assignment 5
Supplemental reading
- The Swing Tutorial: Writing Event Listeners
- The Swing Tutorial: Concurrency in Swing
- Myers: Graphical User Interfaces: Events
- The Java Tutorials: Lambda Expressions
Lecture 24: Concurrency
Required reading
- Processes and Threads
- Thread Objects (including subsections)
- Thread Interference, Memory Consistency Errors
Instructor’s notes
The textbook does not cover concurrency. The Java Tutorial lesson Concurrency is a good reference for this lecture and the next. You should be familiar with the following general concepts:
- Threads of execution
- Java’s
class Runnable
- Concurrent execution via time slicing or parallelism
- Race conditions
Supplemental reading
- JavaHyperText: concurrency
- Myers: Concurrency
Lecture 25: Synchronization
Required reading
Instructor’s notes
The textbook does not cover concurrency. The Java Tutorial lesson Concurrency is a good reference for this lecture and the previous. For more detail, including lots of examples, read Java Concurrency in Practice. You should be familiar with the following general concepts:
- Producer–consumer problems
- Ring buffers
- Locks (mutexes) and the
keyword - Deadlock
- Condition variables:
Post-lecture tasks
- Take Quiz 9 on Canvas
Supplemental reading
- Myers: Synchronization