Discussion 4 handout

Group members (names & NetIDs)


Preparation: Demo code and word hunt files

Please download dis04-release.zip, extract it to a known location on your computer, and open it as a project in IDEA. This discussion is more lecture-heavy than usual, so slides have been posted in advance to help you follow along. The classes SumTokensDemo and PhoneDemo should be similar to the later examples your TA will demonstrate and can be referenced along with the slides during the activity.

Task 1: Word hunt

One group member, the driver, should open “WordHunt.java” in their “dis04” IDEA project. They will be responsible for writing and running code. The other group members will serve as navigators, double-checking what is typed and suggesting solution structures to efficiently achieve the desired goal.

Implement WordHunt.main() to perform the following task:

Run WordHunt and record both the index entry and the final word on your worksheet.

You may not have time to finish this exercise in class this week. In that case, complete your WordHunt program for homework, making sure all group members agree on the target word before submiting.