logoDiscussion 1 handout

Learning to program requires more than just acquiring knowledge. You need to actively explore the implications of new concepts to build mental connections, and you need to practice writing programs just like athletes and musicians need to practice their skills. Programming assignments provide the latter, while discussion sections are meant to stimulate the former.

Discussion implies interaction—to thoroughly explore these concepts, you need to formulate your thoughts into words, and you need to accommodate ideas from others in your evolving mental model. Therefore, discussion sections are structured around cooperative exercises to be completed in groups and synthesized by the class as a whole. This is the first such exercise.



Problem 0: Install and set up IntelliJ

Follow the instructions here and go ahead and setup your environment. Ask the instructor for help if you get stuck.

Problem 1: Introductions

Share your name & NetID, year & college, and a fun fact about yourself with your groupmates. Record the names and NetIDs of all group members.

Discuss the following two questions with your group, recording a representative answer:

Why do you want to learn object-oriented programming and data structures? (is it relevant to your intended major or career? did you enjoy your experience in your prior CS class? is there something particular you hope to accomplish with the knowledge?)

What was the most difficult concept in your previous programming class? (recursion? sorting? objects? arrays?) Does someone in the group have an example that helped the concept click for them?

Problem 2: Semantics of the assignment statement

We will review vocabulary related to method declarations.

Write the procedure for how you would execute a Java assignment statement such as sideLength = perim / 4;, or more generally, “<var> = <expr>;”. Assume any necessary prior code so that the statement compiles. Select steps from the following choices, re-ordering them as necessary:

  1. (?)
  2. (?)
  3. (?)

Would your procedure change if you were executing a similar statement in Python (or MATLAB) rather than Java?

Problem 3: Open and debug a Java project

If you have your own laptop with IntelliJ already installed, try to follow along as the instructor demonstrates how to open a Java project in the IDE. If no one in your group has a laptop, you can attempt to debug the projected code “by inspection.”

  1. Download the “dis01” project archive from the course website and extract its contents to a folder on your computer.
  2. Open the “dis01” directory as a project in IntelliJ. See our setup page for step-by-step instructions.
  3. Read the method specifications in “src/cs2110/Dis01.java”.
  4. Run the Dis01Test test suite and note which test cases are failing.
  5. For each method, try to determine where the bug is. If you have trouble spotting it, try printing the results of intermediate calculations to see if they match your expectations.
  6. When you think you have identified the issue, fix the bug and re-run the test suite to confirm.
  7. Reformat “Dis01.java” by going to Code | Reformat Code. You are now ready for submission.

Challenge problem: Practice with Types

This is an opportunity for you to get more practice with Java’s type system. For each code snippet, answer which line(s) result in a compile time error, and how we can fix each faulty line. (Hint: Start by brainstorming, then try adding the statement to Dis1.java’s main() method and see if IntelliJ agrees!)


int a = "Hello";


String s1 = 1 + 2 + "abc";
String s2 = "abc" + 1 + 2;


String b1 = "abc".charAt(1);
String b2 = "" + "abc".charAt(1);


int a1 = 10.0;
int a2 = (int) 10.0;
int a3 = 1 + 10.0;
double a4 = 1 + 10.0;


  1. Open the assignment page for “Discussion activity 1” in CMSX
  2. [Recorder] Find the “Group Management” section and invite each group member
  3. [Others] Refresh the page and accept your invitation
  4. [Recorder] Take a picture of your work and save as either a JPEG or a PDF file named “discussion_responses”. After all invitations have been accepted, upload your picture along with your code as your group’s submission.
    • Recommended scanning apps: Microsoft Office Lens, Adobe Scan, Genius Scan, Evernote Scannable

Ensure that your group is formed and your work submitted before the Tuesday 6pm deadline.

Tips and reminders