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abort() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Roll the input position back to the most recent mark, and erase the mark, effectively restarting scanning from that position.
accept() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Effect: Erase the previous mark from the input, effectively accepting all input up to the current position.
advance() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Advance past the next character, if any.
advanceToPattern(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Advance the scanner position to the point where the pattern recognized by r is found, or all the way to the end of the input if it is not found.
alt(Recognizer, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizes either a or b (regular expression a|b)
anyChar(String) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizer that matches any single character in the string c
appendSource(Reader, String) - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Add r to the input stream after existing inputs.


BacktrackScanner - Class in easyIO
A scanner class that, unlike java.util.Scanner, supports arbitrary lookahead and backtracking.
BacktrackScanner() - Constructor for class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
BacktrackScanner.Location - Class in easyIO
An input character along with information about the source of the character, and its line number and position within the line.


charPos() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
check() - Method in interface easyIO.Recognizer.Continuation
close() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
concat(Recognizer, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizes a followed by b (regular expression ab)
constant(String) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizes all of the characters in c, in sequence.
consume(String) - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past the specified string.


depth() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
The current number of marks.
digits() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan one or more digits.
dump(StringBuilder) - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Dump the state of the scanner to w in a human-readable form.


easyIO - package easyIO
This package supports easier and more powerful I/O.
EOF - Exception in easyIO
Represents the end of the input ("end of file") being reached.
EOF() - Constructor for exception easyIO.EOF
eol() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan to the end of the current line or to the end of the input, whichever is first.


fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception easyIO.Recognizer.Success
floatingPoint() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan a floating-point number.


getMarkLocation() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Location in input source of the last mark.
getToken() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Return a string containing the characters from the most recent mark to the current position.


hasNext() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Whether there is a character ahead in input.
hasPattern(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Whether the next characters on the input can be matched by r.


identifier() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan an identifier ala Java.
includeSource(Reader, String) - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Add r to the input stream ahead of any existing inputs.
integer() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past an integer constant.
invariant() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner


lineNo() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
location() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Location in input source of the current position.
Location(BacktrackScanner.Source, int, int, char) - Constructor for class easyIO.BacktrackScanner.Location


mark() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Add a mark at the current position.


newline() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past a optional carriage return character and a newline character.
next() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Read the next character from the stream.
nextDigit() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past and return the next character if it is a digit.
nextDouble() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past a floating-point constant and return its value as a double
nextIdentifier() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past and return an identifier.
nextInt() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past an integer constant and return its value.
nextLine() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past and return all text from the current position to the next newline character.
notChar(String) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizer that matches any single character not in the string c.


oneOrMore(Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizes 1 or more instances of a (a+)
opt(Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizes 0 or 1 instance of a (regular expression a?)
optDigits() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past all digits at the current posn, if any.


parsePattern(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Match the input characters starting at the current position against the pattern r and return the characters matched.
parseToDelimiter(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Return all the characters from the current scanner position up to the first occurrence of the delimiter pattern delim, leaving the scanner position either immediately after that delimiter pattern or at the end of the string if the delimiter pattern was never found.
parseToPattern(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Return all the text between the current scanner position and the first occurrence of the pattern recognized by r.
peek() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
The next character ahead in the input.
PredictiveRecognizer - Class in easyIO
A Recognizer that decides what other recognizer to use based on the lookahead character.
PredictiveRecognizer() - Constructor for class easyIO.PredictiveRecognizer
print(char) - Static method in class easyIO.StdIO
print(int) - Static method in class easyIO.StdIO
print(String) - Static method in class easyIO.StdIO
println() - Static method in class easyIO.StdIO
println(int) - Static method in class easyIO.StdIO
println(String) - Static method in class easyIO.StdIO


readln() - Static method in class easyIO.StdIO
recognize(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer.Continuation) - Method in class easyIO.PredictiveRecognizer
recognize(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer.Continuation) - Method in interface easyIO.Recognizer
For each possible way of recognizing the input, advance inp past the point where the input is recognized and invoke cont.
Recognizer - Interface in easyIO
A Recognizer recognizes certain input sequences of characters available on a BacktrackScanner, and invokes a continuation for each recognized sequence.
Recognizer.Continuation - Interface in easyIO
The remainder of a computation that can be performed after recognizing input.
Recognizer.Success - Exception in easyIO
Represents successful matching of the input stream by a recognizer.
Regex - Class in easyIO
Regular expression support for easyIO.Scanner
repeat(Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizes 0 or more instances of a (regular expression a*)


Scanner - Class in easyIO
A BacktrackScanner extended with convenience methods for parsing common things like integers and identifiers.
Scanner() - Constructor for class easyIO.Scanner
Scanner(Reader, String) - Constructor for class easyIO.Scanner
Create scanner that reads from source input r, calling the source name.
Scanner(String) - Constructor for class easyIO.Scanner
Create scanner that reads from file named filename.
scanPattern(BacktrackScanner, Recognizer) - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Match the input characters starting at the current position against the pattern r and advance the scanner position beyond the matched characters.
source() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
stdin - Static variable in class easyIO.StdIO
StdIO - Class in easyIO
Easy access to standard input and standard output, without fussing with exceptions.
stdout - Static variable in class easyIO.StdIO
string(String) - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
Scan the characters of string s from the input.
Success() - Constructor for exception easyIO.Recognizer.Success


toString() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner.Location
toString() - Method in class easyIO.BacktrackScanner
trailingWhitespace() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past any whitespace up to the end of the line, the end of the file, or the next non-whitespace character.


UnexpectedInput - Exception in easyIO
Represents encountering input that does not match the expected syntax.
UnexpectedInput() - Constructor for exception easyIO.UnexpectedInput


whitespace() - Static method in class easyIO.Regex
Recognizer that matches a single whitespace character.
whitespace() - Method in class easyIO.Scanner
Scan past any whitespace.
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