Date | Topic | Description | ||||||
Wed 12/5 |
Studyweek Office hrs | The schedule for office hrs during study week can be found here. | ||||||
Final Exam Review Session | There will be a review session held on Sun., Dec 10 1:30-3:00 in KL B11. | |||||||
Wed 11/29 |
Final Exam Conflicts | If you a conflict with the final exam, please email Kelly ASAP. Include your complete final exam schedule and what day you are leaving town. | ||||||
Tue 11/28 |
Course Evals | The College of Engineering requires that course evaluations be done online.
To complete the evaluation, visit the link below between Monday, 20 November
to Sunday, 3 December. To encourage you to fill out the evaluation, we're going to give you a point for completing it. |
Sun 11/18 |
Prelim 2 | Prelim 2 solutions and grading guide have been posted. Please pick up your exam from Upson 360. Regrade deadline has been extended to Tuesday, November 28th (last day to submit a regrade). | ||||||
Thur 11/16 |
Umbrella found | There was a pink umbrella left at the exam on Tuesday. Please contact Kelly if it is yours. | ||||||
Mon 11/13 |
Game controller study | Join this study and get to test a new type of game controller | ||||||
Fri 11/10 |
A4 inheritance | We're regrading everyone's inheritance problem -- there's an issue (the output) that popped on some people's assignments, so we need to ensure others didn't lose points. | ||||||
runtime review | We posted a summary of many algorithms and data structures in S10's notes. | |||||||
prelim 2 review | The review session is this Sunday. See the Exams link for details. | |||||||
Mon 11/9 |
A5 | A5 is posted! | ||||||
Mon 11/6 |
Prelim 2 topics | Topics include (1) asymptotic complexity, (2) searching and sorting, (3)
basic ADTs (stacks, queues, sets, dictionaries, priority queues)
and (4) basic data structures used to implement these ADTs
(arrays, lists, hash tables, BSTs, balanced BSTs, heaps).
The students need to know and understand the sorting algorithms covered in lecture and in the text (this does not include Shell Sort). They need to know the algorithms associated with the various data structures we have discussed, although they do *not* need to memorize the algorithms for any of the tree-balancing schemes (e.g., AVL trees, 234-trees, red-black-trees). They should know the runtime tradeoffs among all the data structures we have discussed. Students do *not* need to memorize any portions of the Java Collections Framework, although they should have a basic understanding of what's available. If any JCF details are needed, we will include them on the exam. |
sorting demos | Look here. | |||||||
Thu 11/2 |
Vicarious Visions coming to Cornell |
The Chief Technology Officer from Vicarious Visions is coming to Cornell to give the keynote speech for the regional ASEE conference. Would you like to attend? See here for details. | ||||||
Wed 11/1 |
Prelim 1 regrades | All regrade requests for prelim 1 have been processed. You can find our comments on cms. | ||||||
Wed 10/25 |
Prelim 2 conflicts | If you have a university approved conflict (see Exams) for Prelim 2 on November 14 , please contact Kelly and let her know what your conflict is. | ||||||
Schwartz office hrs on 10/30 | Prof. Schwartz has shifted his office hours on Monday, 10/30 to 1:00-2:00pm. | |||||||
section notes | Sections 7 and 8 (this and last week) are up! You might the notes helpful on A4 and Prelim 2. | |||||||
Tue 10/24 |
A3 | Assignment 3 is now graded. The regrade request deadline is set for November 1st at 7pm. Solutions and the grading suite are available on CMS. | ||||||
A4 | The CMS files for Assignment 4 originally included the the wrong assignment write-up (i.e., the pdf file was from an earlier semester). This has now been corrected. The version on CMS and the version on the Assignments page are now both up-to-date. | |||||||
Mon 10/23 |
DreamWorks presentation | Jeffrey Katzenberg, C.E.O. of DreamWorks will be speaking at 2 pm on Monday, October 30th in the Statler Auditorium. | ||||||
Fri 10/20 |
prelim regrades deadline | They're indeed due at end of CS211 consulting hours on Monday 10/23. | ||||||
Thu 10/19 |
prelim regrades | Please see the Regrades link over there on the left.... didn't ask this on A1? :-) | ||||||
Fri 10/13 |
Prelim 1 Notes | Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the mean and standard deviation for prelim 1 is incorrect on CMS. The reason
is that 12 people who dropped the course were given 0's on the exam. Once they are removed from CMS, the
mean and dev will be shown corectly. The real results are
Prelim 1 hand back | The CS211 Prelims will be available in the 360 Upson by today at noon. The hours for the homework hand back room are M-F, 10:00am–noon and 2:00pm–4:00pm. | |||||||
Prelim 1 Solutions | The solutions and grading guide for Prelim 1 are now available in the Exams section. | |||||||
Tue 10/10 |
Prelim 1 locations | Last names starting with: A-B in HO314 C-E in HO 206 F-Z in OH 155 |
TA Evals | TA midterm evaluations will be conducted on-line from Wednesday, 11 October, through Monday, 23 October. Please visit this web site below to let the college know how your TA is doing: | |||||||
Sat 10/7 |
section notes | Remember to check Section Notes now and then. The current batch has a number of inheritance examples. | ||||||
Thur 10/4 |
Prelim 1 Review Session | There will be 2 different review sessions held on Wed., Oct. 11, 7:30-9 and 9-10:30 in UP B17 (both review sessions will be the same) | ||||||
Prelim 1 topics | Prelim 1 covers everything up to, but not including, this week (i.e., it includes September lectures, but not October lectures). | |||||||
Sat 9/30 |
A3 FAQ | We added an A3 FAQ that includes some clarifications to the instructions. The most notable is that you can and should use negative numbers in the nodes after the simplify function. You are still not allowed negative numbers in your tree after parsing or differentiating. | ||||||
Fri 9/29 |
Prelim 1 Conflicts | If you have a university approved conflict for Prelim (see Exams), please contact Kelly and let her know what your conflict is. | ||||||
Tue 9/26 |
assignments | Due to some delay (actually, a week) we decided to scrap one of the assignments so that we could shift the A3 due date to 10/23 (which was when A4 was due). We can now account for inheritance/interfaces, the delay, Fall Break, and even Prelim 1. We're updating the website tonight, so there may be some discrepencies we haven't caught yet. Also, the A3 file might still say Oct 4, which you can ignore. Note also that the weights of the assignments will be shifted a bit, as reflected in the grading section of Course Info. | ||||||
Mon 9/25 |
late policy | We added some clarifications on Course Info. | ||||||
Fri 9/22 |
Lecture Examples | I modified some of the List and Tree Java-code examples that are linked to from the Lectures page. At the suggestion of some of the TAs, I removed internal classes (which are confusing) and instead made use of package-visible helper classes (i.e., non-public classes that reside in the file of a public class). | ||||||
Tue 9/19 |
A2 | For A2 2.2 (Study groups) example, check the the newsgroup. | ||||||
Info Sessions | The ACSU is proud to host the following info sessions this week. All are
welcome. Free pizza, great giveaways and an opportunity to meet the recruiters
and alumni. Don't miss: Today (Sept 19th) Microsoft, Hollister B14 (7:00 pm) (Xbox 360 will be given away!) Tomorrow (Sept 20th) Amazon, Olin Hall 155 (5:00 pm) Thursday (Sept 21st) Infusion, Olin Hall 255 (6:00 pm) |
Mon 9/18 |
EA Talk! | Actually, there are three sessions from Electronic Arts, who's visiting this week. The main talk is open to everyone. There's also a software engineering specific guest lecture in CS212 on Wed, which CS211 folks can attend. And of course, there's a game night TBA, though it seems to be Thursday evening. Note that the Digital Gaming Alliance (a student-run game club) is hosting the Tue and Thu sessions. To get involved, please visit either (or both!) events. | ||||||
A1 | We posted the best A1 bonus solution to Problem 3 and an interesting critique of picking "random" stocks from another professor. See the Assignments page. | |||||||
Fri 9/8 |
A2 | A2 now appears on the Assignments page. It should appear shortly in CMS. A2 is due Wednesday, Sep 20, at 11:59PM. | ||||||
Wed 9/6 |
section notes | updated for this week -- you're looking at them, right? | ||||||
stock symbols | there have been some mixed messages, so this is official: some noticed that our file file has some duplicates--note that the assignment does say 3 unique symbols--we may test your code with an entirely different file (or the one we gave :-), so be sure your program picks 3 different (and random) stocks. | |||||||
Additional Sections | We have added sections on Wed 12:20 section 4 and Tue 1:25 section 2. Details here. | |||||||
Consulting in RPCC | There will be consulting on Sundays in the RPCC computer lab. Please see consulting for times. | |||||||
Thu 8/31 |
final exam | Make sure you look at Exams. We realize it's waaaaaay early, but our final was assigned a rare 7-9:30PM time slot on Wed 12/13. The idea is that you shouldn't be making travel plans at that time :-) | ||||||
reading | Readings and lecture notes for the class are posted on the Lecture Notes page. This page has been updated to show suggested reading for recent and upcoming lectures. | |||||||
Wed 8/30 |
consulting! | The specific shifts were posted in Course Info late last night. Note that Prof Chew will be surveying students to see if there's interest in consulting at North Campus ("RPU") and/or West Campus. We would need to ask for permission from facilities there, but first it's best to see if students want it. | ||||||
Tue 8/29 |
consulting! | It's starting tonight. See your e-mail for more info. We'll have the hours in Course Info posted later night, too. | ||||||
stock symbols | This is another companion file for A1. It's posted! | |||||||
Mon 8/28 |
A1 files | Sorry about the delay--they're posted on this website in Assignments. | ||||||
Sun 8/27 |
CMS? | If you need to be added (or removed) from CMS, e-mail -- you must indicate "CS211" and "need to added" (or removed) in the subject line. (she helps many other courses!) | ||||||
Fri 8/25 |
ENGRD vs COM S | Some have asked if the versions are indeed the same? yes they are. Engineering tells us that it no longer cares which version Engineering students sign up for. Students outside of Engineering, though, should sign up under COM S. | ||||||
Sections Office Hours |
Sections and office hours will start on Mon this coming week. Consulting will start Tue or Wed night. Note that the bootcamp is still on for Tue and Wed nights. | |||||||
A1 | posted (see CMS and Assignments page). It's due Thursday afternoon on
9/7, which buys you time to catch up on Java from the tutorial/bootcamp
and rediscover the wonders of main in section this coming week.
But we recommend finishing A1 by Wed night because of the presidential inauguration.
Actually, if you're still reading this you'll discover that DIS is *performing*
at the inauguaration, which means you definitely want to finish A1 ahead
of time. |
Thu 8/24 |
Java Bootcamp | Bootcamp will take place Tuesday, August 29, 7:30-10:30 PM in Upson B7 and again Wednesday, August 30, 7:30-10:30 PM in Upson B7. The same material will be covered in both sessions. | ||||||
CS100R lottery | |