USENET Information
provides an excellent forum for discussion in public forums called newsgroups,
using the Internet. A newsgroup gives students the chance to post questions and try to help eachother.
Follow these policies when posting messages:
- Never posted before? Use cornell.test to post a test message.
- Use cornell.class.csXXX for course-related questions.
- Post messages according to our e-mail policies and CIT's
netnews guidelines.
- Follow all rules of academic integrity! Never post fragments of your programming-assignment code.
Instead, you should seek clarification of the underlying concepts, perhaps by pointing to an example discussed
in class.
- Save important articles because they will expire in about one week.
How to access USENET on campus
How to access without Bear Access
- Install a browser with newsgroup capability. The default version of Netscape on Bear Access is an example of a browser that
lacks this capability.
- Enter the URL news://
How to access USENET from Roadrunner
- Set up Outlook Express to read news.
- Go to Tools→Accounts→News→Add.
- Enter Name, E-mail (cornell), NNTP
- Under Properties, tick the box for this server requires me to log on.
- Under Account Name, enter NetID.
- For Password, enter your NetID/Cornell e-mail password.