Academic Integrity
AI is Your Responsibility!
- Each assignment will specify whether you may work with a partner
or partners, and if so, how many. For assignments that allow partners,
only one assignment with all names is submitted.
- You may discuss homework problems with other students at a high level.
That is, you may discuss general approaches to a problem, high-level
algorithm design, and the general structure of code. However, you may
not share written code with any other students except your own partner, nor
may you possess code written by another student who is not your partner,
either in whole or in part,
regardless of format.
- You may not remove your partner's name from an assignment unless you do not use each other's work.
- Unless otherwise posted, you must follow the rules for partners listed on the
Course Info page.
- When you are allowed to use additional resources such as textbook examples
or supplied code, you must credit those sources.
- When applicable, the programs and other work that you submit must generate the indicated output and/or results.
- Your name must not appear on more than one submission.
- All exams are closed book, unless noted otherwise.
- You may not assist nor receive assistance from anyone else during an exam.
If You Suspect a Violation...
- ...please contact a member of the course staff immediately. This is
not a competition between students vs. faculty. We are all working together toward
the same goal, to maximize the value of your educational experience.
Violations of academic integrity only hinder this process. There is no honor
in it, nor in protecting it. Your information will be held in the
strictest confidence and you will not be asked to testify against your
peers at an AI hearing.
- Penalties for violations are assessed on a case-by-case basis. The
penalty will usually be a grade penalty. It may be a point reduction, a
zero on the homework or exam, a grade reduction in the course, or failure in
the course, depending on severity. Repeated offenses will be referred
to the Academic Integrity Hearing Board of the College of Engineering and may result in suspension or
expulsion from Cornell.
- If you are suspected of a violation, we will send an email notification. If your online listing shows a local address, we will
mail an additional hardcopy of the notification. Refer to CIT's website for updating your local address.