Course Management System


What Is CMS? How Do I Access CMS?
How Do I Submit Homework? Format Requirements

What Is CMS?

CMS is the Course Management System, a web-based software system designed by Cornell faculty and undergraduates for managing the administration of large courses.  We will use CMS to submit assignments, download assignments, view grades and comments, and submit regrades for assignments.  General CMS help and documentation can be found at

How Do I Access CMS?

Click on to login.  You will see a link for CS211 and other courses in which you are enrolled that use CMS.  If you do not see a link for CS211, do not panic!  You might not be entered into CMS yet.  Registering for a course does not automatically enter you into CMS.  We enter student information from the most recent CS211 classlists we receive from the registrar, but occasionally for one reason or another students are missed because the registrar has not given us an updated list.  If this applies to you, please contact the course administrator as soon as possible to get entered into the system.

How Do I Submit Homework?

Read all the instructions below before attempting the submission:

  1. Are you following the homework policies specified in the Course Info and the Code of Academic Integrity?
  2. Review the submission format requirements below.  You may lose many points for not following these specifications!
  3. Ensure that you are submitting the correct files.  Submit exactly the files that are asked for, no more and no fewer.  Clear your workspace, create a new folder, insert all files, inspect them, compile them, and run them. In the past, students have lost credit for accidentally submitting an older version of their work.  Don't let this happen to you!  Never under any circumstances make a change, even a trivial one, then submit files without recompiling and testing.  You would be surprised at how many times students have been burned by this.
  4. Go to the CMS website
  5. Log on using your Cornell NetID and password.  If you use Bear Access, you can avoid this step.  Students who do bizarre or illegal things with local networks may be denied access. If your home access fails, use a public lab.
  6. Select CS211 under Courses.
  7. If you are not working with a partner:
  8. If you work with a partner:

You can find detailed instructions by clicking Help (near top right corner of screen) in CMS.

Format Requirements

Where, When, and How to Submit

Group Submission

File Size

What Files to Include
