CS 202: Lecture Topic Outline
(subject to change)
I. Friday, August 31: Course Overview
II. Monday, September 3: Introduction to Classes
- What is Object Oriented Programming?
- Fields and Methods
- Static vs. non-Static
- Public vs. private
- final fields
- Constructors and Initializer Blocks
- this() and this
III. Wednesday, September 5: Classes, cont.
- Object model
- Base types vs. Derived Types
- Parameter Passing (References by Value)
- Overloading
- toString
IV. Friday, September 7: Extending Classes
- Introduction to Inheritance
- protected
- super()
- Overriding
- super
- Casting
- Reference to objects of Subtype
- final methods and classes
- abstract methods and classes
- Object
- finalize()
- data hiding in good design
V. Monday, September 10: Extending Classes, cont.
VI. Wednesday, September 12: Interfaces
VII. Friday, September 14: Lecture Cancelled
Monday, September 17: Nested Classes
- Review Interfaces
- Static Nested Classes
- Non-static Nested Classes (Inner Classes)
- Local Inner Classes
VIII. Wednesday, September 19: Strings and Arrays
- Review Nested Classes
- Primitive Types
- Logical operators
- Arrays (length, initialization, and multidimensional arrays)
- String and StringBuffer
IX. Friday, September 21: Exceptions
- Review Arrays and String vs. StringBuffer
- Method Invocation Stacks
- Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions
- throw
- try, catch, finally
- throws
- Example of exceptions and a static nested class: FlameThrower
X. Monday, September 24: Threads
- Review Exceptions
- Threads
- Runnable Interface.
- synchronized methods and blocks
- wait(), notify(), notifyAll(), isAlive(), sleep(), currentThread(),
interrupt(), join()
- Example of threads: RunPingPong
XI. Wednesday, September 26: I/O Package
- Review Threads
- ByteStreams: InputStream and OutputStream
- CharacterStreams: Reader and Writer
- InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter
- StreamTokenizer
- Serializable
- Example of Streams: WordList
XII. Friday, September 28: Packages, JavaDoc, and Applets
Last Updated: Friday, September 28, 2001 02:34:52 PM