Due date
Friday, 8 September 2000, by 5:00 PM
Overall Goal of Assignments
Over the course of cs202 we will be constructing various parts
of a game you are all familiar with.
The entire implementation will be in Java and hence the name,
The assignments have been constructed to teach you various concepts
and techniques as you go along.
You will build some parts and the complement will be provided.
Each assignment builds on the previous ones, and in the end we will
have a functioning prototype.
Of course it is not going to be fully featured, as I am trying to cut down
on your workload, while still getting across the fundamental Java concepts.
You are encouraged to extend the basic design requirements as you please;
it will be a great learning experience.
Part A: Classes, objects and inheritance
As with any program of substantial size, it is important to undertake
the implementation in clearly defined steps.
The first thing we wish to do is define some data structures for our game.
Since we are taking an object-oriented view of programming, we will
also define the operations on that data.
A basic object in Javlle is the Piece. Pieces have various properties, such as the letter they represent, their value, and their multiplicity count. There are also special types of pieces called WildcardPiece, which can represent any letter, but have a zero value.
Your task is to define a Piece class with the following static (class) interface methods:
A WildcardPiece must perform the piece operations correctly, and the following additional operations:
You should use internal data structures, such as arrays, to store the letter value and count tables provided. You may specify some constant to be used to represent a wildcard that has not been assigned a letter.
Very important:
Throughout this design process, you should think about all the modifiers
you have learned (static, public, protected,
private, final, abstract) and use them accordingly.
Also take care to ensure valid parameters; if a constructor or method is called
with invalid parameters throw an appropriate exception.
The entire point of this exercise to teach these concepts; make
sure you understand them. This is a relatively straight forward problem, so
make sure your resulting code is clean and professional.
Part B: Enumeration interface, Arrays
If you think about it, this entire game is about making words out
of permutations of letters. So a good start at implementing a computer
player is to devise an algorithm to generate permutations.
Instead of using real letters, we can permute the numbers representing
positions, and use these numbers later to generate permuted words.
For example, if we take the word "cornell", and the permutation vector <2,6,1,0,5,3,4>, we produce "rloclne". We can then check this word against the valid dictionary words. A permutation vector tells us the new order of the letter based on their previous positions.
It would be useful to generate all the permutations of all lengths of words up to some given upper limit. Say, for example, we take a limit of 3. That means we wish to generate all the permutations of {0,1,2}, namely: <0,1,2>; <0,2,1>; <1,0,2>; <1,2,0>; <2,0,1>; <2,1,0>. Notice, that they are in ascending lexicographic order. This is important, because it can save a lot of time during dictionary lookup.
Your task is to create an object Permute, which generates all the permutations in order. We might as well expose methods of the Enumeration interface, because it fits our task so well. The constructor should take an integer representing the permutation vector length. You should then implement the Enumeration interface (refer to Java documentation) methods. Each permutation should be represented as an integer array. You can configure the internals of your object any way you like, as long as you produce the complete and correct permutation sequence. A good way to approach this is to create a private method that when given a permutation array, returns the next in sequence, or throws an exception if this is the last.
Because this permutation generation can get a little messy and takes some time, we should pre-generate a table once and use it on each turn. This one table, containing the permutation vectors of our set, is an array of arrays. Create a static method called createTable, which takes an integer, and produces a table containing all the permutations of that vector {0,1,..,n-1}, in order.
Of course, not all words are the same length, and we need not use all our letters. We would really like to produce permutations of all subsets. But that's really easy... Once we have the permutations of the entire set we can split each permutation vector into a left and a right components. The left component will be the subset we want, and the right component is the subset we throw away (or the letters we don't use). The left component of the table represents all the permutations we want! There just may be some duplicates to eliminate. For example, projecting the permutation vectors above to length 2 produces: <0,1>; <0,2>; <1,0>; <1,2>; <2,0>; <2,1>. Projecting them to length 1 produces: <0>; <0>; <1>; <1>; <2>; <2>. After eliminating duplicates we get: <0>; <1>; <2>. Instead of "eliminating" duplicates we can just create indices into our table. For vectors of length 3, we need to look at all the positions. Similarly for vectors of length 2. For vectors of length 1, we need only look at positions 0, 2 and 4. Your task is to write a method createIndices, that generates an array of indices into our table, another array of arrays! This time the sub-arrays are of different lengths. Note that the permuation table is highly ordered so we don't even have to look at it to generate the indices. The indices only depend on the size of our original vector. Play with some examples until you figure out the pattern. Hint: Use factorials on the values of n (size of original set we are permuting) and r (size of subsets we are choosing), to determine the size of the table and the skip factor for each of the indices.
To assist you I have provide a short explanation of some
permutation generation algoritms.
Testing and documentation
Some parts of your assignment will be tested electronically with
a driver program similar to the one
provided. Ensure that your code works with it.
Documentation is not required for this assignment. However, ALL
classes, methods and fields, must have comments (JavaDoc style) explaining
them. You should split the definitions in your class into static and
non-static, and keep your field declarations together within these
sections. (For some types of classes it makes more sense to split
among private and public declarations).
Before the assignment deadline you are expected to submit three files:
Submit zipped code + text files to Brian Williams, bww3@cornell.edu by 5:00 PM on due date.
Last Updated: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 05:11:09 PM