Debate Topics and Teams
Topic For Against
High Schools should monitor and restrict students’ Internet activity Charles Frank Cash Harrison
  Charles O"conor Mary
  Guizhu (Chloe) Hao xian
  Roberto Diaz Evan
An employer should monitor all employee email Xuantao Gabriela
  Logan Yinyi (Jenny)
  Michael Sinan
The national government should have the power to regulate the usage of the Internet in the nation Yun (James) Robert Hrabchak
  Alyssa Nathaniel
  Yizheng Alexander Pomerenk
All music download should be charged Winnie Victoria
  Matthew Rishab
  Ryan Sung Yang (Susan)
  Trevor Alexander Popov
Quality of social interaction has deteriorated with increased usage of social networking sites Zachary Chuyue (Cynthia)
  Ryan Besch Ryan Smith
  Spencer Douglas