Lecture 9: Shell configuration and scripts

Last time, we learned about shells and, towards the end, about environment variables. We saw that some environment variables are used to communicate with programs, other contain information that helps the shell do its job (for example, the PATH environment variable). Some commands can be affected by specific environment variables. To pick an example out of thin air, consider the less command. If you look at the man pages for less, you see that if the environment variable LESS is defined, it is used to communicate command line options passed automatically to less. For example, the command line option -M makes less use a very verbose prompt as its command prompt. To automatically have less do this, you can use (in C shells):

setenv LESS '-M'

Since many programs have such conventions, it would be nice to have a place where all of these configuration options can be specified. It turns out there are a few such places.

Every shell is set up to read from configuration files whenever it is started up. These configuration files can, among other things, define environment variables (and local variables). Read the appropriate shell man pages for actual documentation. For example, tcsh read the file .tcshrc (.cshrc if .tcshrc doesn't exist) in your home directory everytime it is started. Moreover, when it is started as the login shell, it also reads the file .login in your home directory. The shell bash reads the file .bashrc when it is started, and when it is used as a login shell, it attempts to read .bash_profile, .bash_login, or .profile (all in your home directory).

Those configuration files can contain any sequence of shell commands. Typically, what you find in such files are environment variable settings (such as the LESS variable above.)

Another thing you may find are aliases. An alias is simply a name that you use as a command, but that expands into a more complicated command before being executed. For example, in my case, I always get confused by ls: when I learned Unix originally, I was using lc, another directory listing program, to list my directories. On system where lc is not available, I typically alias lc to mean ls -F. In tcsh, I do this with alias lc 'ls -F'. Then, whenever I use lc args as a command name, the shell translates it into ls -F args. Here are the alias-related commands for the Bourne shell family:

For the C shell family, it's similar:

Aliases are also standard things that occur in a shell configuration files. In fact, any shell command can occur in a shell configuration file. You can put in echo commands to see the progress through the configuration file as it is loaded.


The example of shell configuration files given above is quite useful. The idea that we can put shell commands all in one place and executed all at once is attractive. For instance, if you have the same sequence of operations you want to perform on many files, it would be nice to put all those operations in one place and invoke them repeatedly.

The example of shell configuration files is an instance of what is called a shell script. Shell scripts contains sequences of commands executed by the shell. For the time being, we will understand a shell script to be a sequence of shell commands, one per line. Here's a shell script, a fairly simple one at that (we'll assume these lines have been put in a file test.sh):

fgrep 'hi' file1 > tmp1
fgrep 'hello' file3 > tmp2
cat tmp1 tmp2 | sort 

Executing this script will basically search for all the lines in file1containing hi, all the lines in file2 containing hello, sort all those lines, and print them to stdout.

To actually invoke such a script, you need to start a shell to execute it. For example, if you want to use sh to execute this script, you can call:

sh test.sh

Which shell to use to execute the script depends on the features that the script uses. If the script uses C shell command syntax, say to set its environment variables, then you should use a C shell to execute the script. Some scripts can work on any shell, but they are rare.

There is an alternative way to execute a script, that does not require you to know what shell to use. It is possible to embed the shell to use within the script itself. To do that, you put as the first line of the script, a line such as:


Following the #! should be the path to the shell to use to execute this script. After you've added this line, you turn the script into an executable file by changing its execute permission, as in chmod u+x test.sh. Now you can simply invoke the script by using its name as a command, i.e. by calling test.sh. The effect of this will be to start the require shell specified by the first line of the script, passing it the script itself. The net effect is to call the script as before, but without you having to specify which shell to use.

You can redirect the standard input and standard output of a script as you would any other command, although it gets a bit touchy to understand how the commands in the script will behave with respect to stdin. For example, every command of the script sending to stdout will send to the stdout of the script, but every command reading from stdin will require a different file.

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Last modified: Thu Oct 25 14:48:21 EDT 2001