
10/16/2001: Lectures 4-6 are online.

10/15/2001: Homework 2 is online. It is due next Monday, at noun.

10/12/2001: I've added a Useful links section below, which lists resources available on the web about various topics we covered in class. For example, I give a pointer to the Emacs manual.

10/11/2001: I've put up the lectures for the first week online.

10/5/2001: Homework 1 is up. It is due by noon on Friday, October 12. Have a nice fall break everyone.

10/3/2001: I will try to get lecture notes up on the web shortly.

10/3/2001: The UNIX machine we are actually using is From any of the CSUG machines, run telnet. Your username on babbage is your netid, and your password is the same as you CSUG password.

10/3/2001: The accounts for students registered as of last monday have been created on the CSUG machines. Please refer here for how to setup the initial password for your account. Note that you do not need to go through this step if you already have a CSUG account because of another course you are taking this semester. For general info on the CSUG lab, see here.

Riccardo Pucella
Last modified: Fri Oct 12 21:13:49 EDT 2001