Final exam
Exam Info
- Date: Monday, May 24
- Time: 9:30am EDT (in-person)
- Location: Barton Hall 100, sections C & D
Seating assignments have been announced on CMS (see map) - Topics: All topics in the course
There will be some emphasis on new material not tested on Prelims 1 or 2, but the exam will definitely cover previous material as well.
Seating assignments have been posted as comments on CMS (“Final exam seat”). Those with conflicts or requiring special accommodation will receive additional instructions via e-mail.
All students who are located in Ithaca (and who are not quarantined) must take the exam in person, even if you are enrolled in online sections. Those not in Ithaca must find a location with reliable Internet and a webcam where you can take a remotely proctored exam either during the normal exam time or during an alternative window for students in distant time zones. The procedures for taking the online version of the exam are documented on Canvas.
Optional Review Session
- Date: Wednesday, May 19
- Time: 7:30pm EDT
- Location: Zoom (see Canvas)
- Slides from review session (Zoom recording available from Canvas)
Review materials
- OOP syntax summary
- Review questions, Solutions
- SP20 exam [Solutions]
- Like the prelims, the final will have a mix of open coding questions and shorter questions.
Here are some old open coding exam questions. And here are the solutions. For Q5, replace "structure" and "fields" with "object" and "properties". - Open questions on OOP will be similar to those in the review questions and in the OOP part of Project 6.
- Be sure to study the review questions of the previous prelims as well.