Due date: Sunday, April 4, 11:00pm EST.
You have until Sunday, April 4, at 11:00 PM EDT to complete and submit Problems 2 and 3 of this exercise using Matlab Grader. Problem 1 does not require submission, but be sure to do it to learn syntax for accessing subarrays (vectorized code) and 3-d array. Chat with your classmates about your answers.
Type the following expressions in the Matlab Command Window. Write the resulting array or answer the question on each blank.
m= rand(6,5) a= m(:,2) % What does the colon specify when used in place of an index? ______________ b= m(2:3,:) % __________________________________________________________________________ p= rand(6,5,3) % This is a 3-dimensional array [nr, nc, np]= size(p) % ___________________________________________________________________ c= p(:,:,2) % Is this a matrix (2-d) or a 3-d array? ___________________________________ d= p(4,:,2) % Is this a vector, matrix, or 3-d array? __________________________________
Implement the following function as specified. Use loops in this problem; do not use any built-in functions other than size()
function [rvec, cvec] = findInMatrix(n, M)
% Find all occurrences of the number `n` in matrix `M`.
% `rvec` and `cvec` are column vectors of row and column numbers such that
% `M(rvec(k),cvec(k))` is equal to `n`.
% The length of `rvec` and `cvec` is the number of times `n` appears in `M`.
% If `n` is not found in `M`, `rvec` and `cvec` are empty vectors.
% Do not use any built-in functions other than `size()`.
Implement the following function as specified. Do not use any built-in functions other than size()
function A = matrixCSums(M)
% `M` is a numeric matrix and `A` has the same size as `M`. Assume `M`
% is not empty. Each element in `A` is the sum of the corresponding
% element in `M` and all the elements above it. Example :
% M = [ 1 3; ... A = [ 1 3; ...
% 4 5; ... then 5 8; ...
% -7 2] -2 10]
% Do not use any built-in functions other than `size()`.