Due date: Sunday, March 21, 11:00pm EST.
The exercise must be submitted on Matlab Grader.
Implement the following function so that it performs as specified:
function [s,c] = trig(a)
% s and c are the sine and cosine of angle a.
% a is the measure of an angle in degrees, assumed non-negative.
Write a function showTrig() that makes effective use of trig to print a table of sine and cosine values for 0°, 2°, 4°, …, 30°. Function showTrig() takes no arguments and does not return any value (but it has the side effect of printing to the Command Window).
The following function produces a pretty good estimate of sin(x) if |x| ≤ 2π:
function y = mySin0(x)
% y is an approximation of sin(x) where x is a radian measure
y= x;
for k = 1:8
y= y + (-1)^k * x^(1 + 2*k) / factorial(1 + 2*k);
It is horrible if |x| is large. Using the fact that the sine function is periodic, write a function mySin1(x) that produces a good sine approximation for any non-negative x. Make effective use of mySin0().
Consider the binomial coefficient We will call this value “n-choose-k”. Implement the following function so that it performs as specified:
function d = digitsOfBinCoef(n,k)
% d is the number of digits required to write the binomial coefficient n-choose-k
% n and k are both non-negative integers, n<=100, and n>=k.
Recall that if x houses a positive integer, then the value of floor(log10(x))+1
is the number of base-10 digits that are required to write the value of x. Make use of built-in function factorial().
Last week, you wrote a script to produce ten lines of output: the nth line, where n=1, …, 10, displays the number of digits required to write down each of the binomial coefficients Write a function showDigitsOfBinCoefs() to solve this problem again, but now make use of function digitsOfBinCoef() from above. Function showDigitsOfBinCoefs() takes no arguments and does not return any value.
Implement the following function so that it performs as specified:
function s = mySum(v)
% s is the sum of all the values in numeric vector v.
% v may be empty, in which case the sum is zero.
% The only built-in function allowed is length().
Implement the following function so that it performs as specified:
function val = myMax(v)
% val is the largest value in numeric vector v.
% v is not empty. The only built-in function allowed is length().