Test 2A Topics
You are responsible for all material listed under the
Prelim 1 topics list plus the material listed below.
- 2-dimensional array (matrix)
- 3-dimensional array (e.g., color image data)
- Character and string (array of characters)
- Array (2-d, 3-d) algorithms/patterns: full array traverse, partial array traverse (e.g., rectangular subarray, triangular subarray)
- Nested loop patterns for all combinations
- Computing in type
- Vectorized code (as discussed in lecture)
Students are responsible for all material covered in lecture, discussion, homework and the assigned reading:
- Lecture: up to and including Lecture 17
- Discussion: up to and including Exercise 10, problem 3
- Homework: up to and including Project 4
- Assigned reading: see Lecture notes through Lecture 17.
Read this note on vectorized code.
Do not use built-in functions that have not been discussed in class.
MATLAB predefined (built-in) functions that may be needed for solving the
exam problems will be listed. You are expectedto know how to use them.
Statements students may not use:
- switch
- try, catch
- break, continue