CS 1112: Introduction to Computing using MATLAB


Prelim 1 Test 2A Test 2B Final Exam

Exam conflicts and medical accommodation

  • What if you have a known university-excused conflict, like an exam scheduled at the same time? (Plane/bus tickets for Spring/Summer/Fall/Thanksgiving/December Breaks do not count.) Try rescheduling the event conflicting with the CS1112 exam:
    • Many courses already offer alternative test times. Generally, the largest course among those with the conflicting exams will offer an alternative test time.
    • If the conflicting exam is not officially scheduled (as posted on the University evening exam list), then the CS1112 exam takes precedence.
  • Prelim. If necessary, CS1112 will offer an early prelim at 5:45-7:15pm on the same day as the University scheduled prelim. To request a seat at the early prelim, you must contact Amy Elser (ahf42@cornell.edu) with your conflict information (conflicting course number and instructor name) two weeks before the prelim.
  • Final exam. An alternative exam later than the regular exam will be scheduled if necessary. The time of the alternative final exam will be determined by the last week of classes. Please email your entire final exam schedule to Amy Elser (ahf42@cornell.edu) four weeks before the final exam so that we can determine the time of the alternative final exam. Remember: We will allow only university-excused students who follow course policies to take an alternative-time exam.
    If you have more than two FINAL exams within a 24-hour period, you may request an alternative exam time for one of the courses.
    • Example schedule showing more than two exams within a 24-hr period:
      Day d 2pm, Day d 7:30pm, Day d+1 9am
      (In the 24-hr period from Day d 2:00pm to Day d+1 1:59pm – 3 exams)
    • Example schedule that does not show more than two exams within a 24-hr period:
      Day d 9am, Day d 7:30pm, Day d+1 9am
      (In the 24-hr period from Day d 9:00am to Day d+1 8:59am – 2 exams)
    • Here is an easier way to think about this: if you have exams scheduled in three consecutive exam slots then you may request an alternative exam time.
    • Usually, the largest course among the three with the consecutive exam times will offer an alternative exam.
  • If you require special accommodation that is allowed by the university, you must present the official documentation to the instructor at least two weeks before the exam.
  • If you cannot take an exam due to an illness, email the instructor as soon as possible to make an alternative arrangement.


Prelims are scanned and graded using Gradescope and you can use Gradescope to see our feedback. If you see a grading error—the grader mistook your correct code to be incorrect and deducted points—then please submit a regrade request on Gradescope and specify exactly what and where the grading error is. On the other hand, do not ask for a regrade if you dislike the number of points deducted—the same grading rubric was applied for all students and will not be changed.

We do not hand back final exams. By default we regrade certain final exam papers to check for grading errors; we regrade the exam paper of any student

  • whose course grade is below but close to the cut-off to the next higher grade, or
  • whose final exam score is far below their prelim scores.
You can review your final exam next semester by contacting Dr. Muhlberger or Dr. Fan through email and suggesting several times at which you can review the paper, from week 3 to week 6 of the semester.