CS 1112: Introduction to Computing using MATLAB


You may complete and submit a project with one partner. You may have different partners for different projects. You and your partner may attend different sections.

Basic programming style

Project Due date Assignment Code/data/tips Supervisor
1 2/4 11pm Description Basic programming style
Noam Eshed
2 2/17 11pm Part A
Part B
Vaishnavi Dhulkhed
3 3/4 11pm Description simDisease.m Zhilong Li
4 4/13 11pm EDT Part A
Part B
showDrawColorCircle.m, showMakeSpiral.m, showMakeColorCircle.m
zoomMe.jpg (illustrator: IC4DESIGN)
Qinru Shi
5 4/30 11pm EDT Description p5files.zip
File I/O example
June Cho
6 5/12 11pm EDT Part A
Part B
June Cho

Project submission

Submit your project files online in CMS. If you work with a partner, register your group on CMS before submitting any file. You and your partner will submit one project as a group.

Late submission is accepted up to 24 hours after the deadline. A penalty of 10% (1 point out of 10) will be applied. Note that even if only one file out of several in a project is late, the entire project is marked late.


Each programming project will receive two distinct grades for the following:

You can score 0-5 on correctness and 0-5 on style, so each project is graded out of 10 points. If you work with a partner, both you and your partner will receive the same score for that project.


If you feel that the graders have incorrectly graded an assignment, you may submit a regrade request within one week of the release of the graded project:

  1. Regrade requests must be submitted online via CMS, from the assignment page.
  2. In your request, clearly specify the grading error relative to the rubric.
Please note the CS 1112 policies:

The response to your regrade request will be visible on CMS when we have finished regrading your assignment.