This page contains all of the pre-recorded video lessons that were created for
the remote semester of Fall 2020. These were incredibly popular and so we are
including them again this year (though there are a few differences in content).
In many cases, these videos will go into even more detail than how we covered
the material in class (though you are never responsible for material not covered
in class). These videos are, for all intents and purposes, the textbook of this
course. Each lab and
lecture will indicate the videos that
are associated with that class day.
Note: These versions of the videos are not closed-captioned. If you need
closed captioning support for these videos, please visit the
official VOD channel
for CS 1110.
In this series we introduce while-loops, which are an alternate form of iteration. This is the last true control-structure introduced in this course.
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We have seen several mysterious double-underscore methods in Python classes. In this series show why these methods are so important.
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Subclasses an another major feature of object-oriented languages. They allow you to add features to a class without starting over from scratch.
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In the video series on algorithm design, we talked about how to properly implement a function definition. In this lesson we do the same for classes.
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Up until now, if we wanted to use objects, we imported a module that provided the class. In this lecture we finally learn how to create our own classes.
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