A6: Clustering

These instructions have been updated to reflect the deadline extension.

Big Data is a major computer science topic these days. As computers become both ubiquitous and more powerful, many applications — from science to business to entertainment — are generating huge amounts of data. This data is too large to process by conventional means. That means we need new tools (such as new programming languages) and new algorithms to handle it all. The CS department has several upper level courses (such as CS 4780: Introduction to Machine Learning) dedicated to this topic.

In this assignment you will work with one of the most popular (though not necessarily most efficient) tools for analyzing large amounts of data: k-means clustering. In k-means clustering, you organize the data into a small number (k) of clusters of similar values. For example, in the picture to the right, there are a lot of points in 3-dimensional space. These points are color-coded into five clusters, with all the points in a cluster being near to one another.

If you look at the wikipedia entry for k-means clustering, you can see that it has many, many applications. It has been used in market analysis, recommender systems (e.g. how Netflix recommends new movies to you), and computer vision, just to name a few. It is an essential tool to have if you are working with data. With the skills and knowledge you have been acquiring in CS 1110, you are now able to implement it yourself!

Important: We know that this assignment straddles the exam. This is unfortunate timing of the semester. In addition, it is the only assignment in which you will get practice writing classes before we ask you to write classes on the exam. We highly recommend that you follow the recommended strategy. This puts micro-deadlines on each part of the assignment, and ensures that you have finished enough of the assignment before the exam.

Authors: W. White, D. Murphy, T. Westura, S. Marschner, L. Lee

Learning Objectives

This assignment is designed to help you understand the following concepts.

  • It gives you practice with writing your own classes.
  • It gives you practice with writing code spread across many files.
  • It illustrates the importance of class invariants.
  • It gives you practice with using data encapsulation in classes.
  • It gives you practice with both both 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional data.
  • It gives you experience with structuring your code with helper functions.
  • It demonstrates how to implement a powerful data-analysis algorithm on real data.

Table of Contents

Academic Integrity and Collaboration

This is a very old assignment that has been resurrected with some interesting changes. With that said, there is some relevant code out in the wild. Please avoid looking at solutions online, or looking at code from other students this semester, or semesters previous.

In this assignment, it is highly unlikely that your code for this assignment will look exactly like someone else’s. We will be using Moss to check for instances of plagiarism. We also ask that you do not enable violations of academic policy. Do not post your code to Pastebin, GitHub, or any other publicly accessible site.

Collaboration Policy

You may do this assignment with one other person. If you are going to work together, then form your group on CMS as soon as possible. If you do this assignment with another person, you must work together. It is against the rules for one person to do some programming on this assignment without the other person sitting nearby and helping.

With the exception of your CMS-registered partner, we ask that you do not look at anyone else’s code or show your code to anyone else (except a CS1110 staff member) in any form whatsoever. This includes posting your code on Ed Discussions to ask for help. It is okay to post error messages on online, but not code. If we need to see your code, we will ask for it.

K-Means Clustering

In this section, we describe what cluster analysis is, and how we use k-means clustering to implement it.

Cluster analysis is the act of grouping together similar points into groups. For example, one of the applications of clustering is understanding ecological systems. Suppose that we have a large dataset of locations (longitude-latitude pairs) where whales are spotted in the ocean. Clustering this data into groups can give us a sense of where different whale community populations are centered.

When we say point, it could be a 2-dimensional point, a 3-dimensional point, a 4-dimensional point, and so on. In fact, we could have points of arbitrary dimension, particularly if the data is not spatial. For example, one of the data sets for this assignment is a fictional market analysis of candies. Each candy is a 4-dimensional point that represents how sweet, sour, nutty, and crunchy it is.

Distances between Points

When we cluster points, we use the Euclidean Distance to measure the distance between them. You may already know how to compute the distance between two 2-dimensional points:

\[d(\mathbf{p},\mathbf{q}) = \sqrt{(p_x - q_x)^2 + (p_y - q_y)^2}\]

or between 3-dimensional points:

\[d(\mathbf{p},\mathbf{q}) = \sqrt{(p_x - q_x)^2 + (p_y - q_y)^2 + (p_z - q_z)^2}.\]

These are special cases of the general definition: given two $n$-dimensional points $\textbf{p} = (p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_n)$ and $\textbf{q} = (q_1, q_2, \ldots, q_n)$, the Euclidean distance between them is:

\[d(\textbf{p},\textbf{q}) = \sqrt{(p_1-q_1)^2+(p_2-q_2)^2+\cdots+(p_n-q_n)^2}\]

For example, suppose we have two points: $\textbf{p} = (0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)$ and $\textbf{q} = (0.0,0.2,0.3,0.2)$. Then:

\[d(\textbf{p},\textbf{q}) = \sqrt{(0.1-0.0)^2+(0.2-0.2)^2+(0.3-0.3)^2+(0.4-0.2)^2} = 0.7071\ldots\]

Cluster Centroids

Given a set of points, we can identify its centroid. The centroid is the center of mass of the cluster. This means it is the average, or mean, of all of the points in the cluster. The centroid might happen to be one of the points in the cluster, but it does not have to be. For example, the picture to the right is an example of a 4-point cluster (black circles) with a centroid (red circle) that is not one of the points in the cluster.

To compute a centroid, we average. Remember that to average, you add up a collection of things and divide by the total number of items. The same is true for points; we add up all the points, and then “divide” the result by the total number of points. Adding two points results in a new point that is the coordinate-wise addition of the two input points:

\[\textbf{p}+\textbf{q} = (p_1+q_1, p_2+q_2, \ldots, p_n+q_n)\]

When we divide a point by a number, the division is done coordinate-wise, as follows:

\[\textbf{p}/a = (p_1/a, \>p_2/a,\> \ldots,\> p_n/a)\]

The Clustering Algorithm

The idea of k-means is quite simple: each point should belong to the cluster whose mean (centroid) it is closest to. But, the centroid of a cluster depends on which points you put into it. This creates a kind of chicken-and-egg problem, which is solved using an iterative approach: first assign points to clusters, then compute new centroids for these clusters, then re-assign points using the new centroids, and so on.

To make this general idea into a precise algorithm we can implement, we break down k-means clustering into several steps. Throughout, let $n$ be the dimension of the points.

1. Pick $k$ Centroids

Our goal is to divide the points into $k$ adjacent groups. The first step is to guess $k$ centroids. Throughout these instructions, we will refer to the centroids as $\textbf{m}_1,\textbf{m}_2,\ldots, \textbf{m}_k$. In this case the letter m stands for mean, or centroid, which is where the algorithm’s name comes from.

Remember that the centroids are themselves $n$-dimensional points. Hence, for any mean $\textbf{m}_j$, where $1 <= j <= k$, we have

\[\textbf{m}_j = (m_{j,1},m_{j,2},\ldots,m_{j,n})\]

So each $m_{j,i}$ represents the ith coordinate of the jth centroid.

To pick $k$ centroids, all we do is choose $k$ points from our original dataset. We will choose these points at random, as if drawing cards from a deck. This is referred to as the Forgy Method, and it is one of the most popular ways to start k-means clustering.

2. Partition the Dataset

Now that we have $k$ centroids, we assign every point in the data set to a centroid. We do this by matching each point to the nearest centroid $\textbf{m}_j$, and then have the points assigned to each centroid form a new cluster. This is known as partitioning because each point will belong to one and only one cluster.

If there happens to be a tie between which centroids are closest to a given point, we arbitrarily break the tie in favor of the $\textbf{m}_j$ with smallest $j$. If we put the centroids in a list, this would be the centroid that comes first in the list.

There will then be $k$ sets $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_k$, where set $S_j$ is the cluster consisting of all the points associated with centroid $\textbf{m}_j$.

3. Recompute the Means

Once we have the sets $S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_k$, we need to compute a new mean $\textbf{m}_j$ for each $S_j$. This new mean is just the average of all of the points in that set. Let

\[S_j = \lbrace \textbf{q}_{1},\textbf{q}_{2},\ldots,\textbf{q}_{c_j}\rbrace\]

be the set of points associated with centroid $\textbf{m}_j$, where $c_j$ is the number of points inside of $S_j$. Then the new mean is the $n$-dimensional point

\[\textbf{m}_j = \frac{1}{c_j}(\textbf{q}_{1}+\textbf{q}_{2}+\cdots+\textbf{q}_{c_j}).\]

The formula above uses the rules for adding points and dividing points by numbers that we discussed above. If you do not understand this formula, please talk to a staff member immediately.

Now, because we have recomputed the means, some points might be closer to the centroid for a cluster they are not currently in than to the centroid for the cluster they are in. To fix this, we repartition the dataset by going back to step 2 and proceeding as before.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 Until Convergence

The clustering algorithm continues this process: recompute the means and repartition the dataset. We want to keep doing this until the means stop changing. If all the means are unchanged after step 3, we know that partitioning again will produce the same clusters, which will have the same means, so there is no point in continuing. When this happens, we say that the algorithm has converged.

Sometimes it can take a very long time to converge — thousands of thousands of steps. Therefore, when we implement k-means clustering, we often add a time-out factor. This is a maximum number of times to repeat steps 2 and 3. If the algorithm does not converge before this maximum number of times, we stop anyway, and use the clusters that we do have.

Assignment Source Code

The assignment code is much more complicated than it has been in previous assignments. To make sure that you have everything, we have provided with two zip files.

You should download the zip archive cluster.zip from the link above. Unzip it and put the contents in a new directory. This time, you will see that this directory contains a lot of files. Many of these files are not all that important; they are similar to a3app.py in that they drive a GUI application that you do not need to understand. In fact, you only need to pay attention to three files:

  • cluster/a6dataset.py: This module contains the Dataset class.
    You will need to complete it to be able to start visualizer.
  • cluster/a6cluster.py: This module contains the Cluster class.
    You will need to complete it to visualize a single cluster and its centroid.
  • cluster/a6algorithm.py: This module contains the Algorithm class.
    You will need to complete it to visualize the clustering process.

There is one other file that you should read, even though it is not intended to be modified.

These are not the only files, but these are the ones to read or attention to. Do not download the individual files. Download the zip files provided. That way you can guarantee you have everything.

Understanding the Application

Classes are ideal for representing complex mathematical objects. For example, we saw in lecture how to use classes to represent rectangles or times of day. There are several interesting mathematical objects in the description above (points, centroids, sets/clusters) and we could use classes to represent all of these.

Deciding which of these things to create classes for is the core of object-oriented software design. For this assignment we have made these decisions for you, since it is not always easy to hit the right balance of complexity against structure the first time, and we want you to spend your time implementing rather than redesigning.

For our implementation of k-means, we decided not to use classes to represent points and centroids, because Python’s built-in tuples serve well enough. In particular, you should not use the Point3 class in introcs. That class only supports 3-dimensional points, but we would like to support points in any dimension.

In the end, we decided to create classes for three important concepts in k-means. First there is the entire dataset, represented by an instance of the class Dataset. Second, there is a cluster of data, represented by an instance of the class Cluster. Finally, there is the set of clusters created by k-means, represented by an instance of the class Algorithm.

Points as Tuples

Throughout this assignment, a point will be represented as a tuple of numbers; both ints and floats are allowed. This is true for centroids as well. For example, here is an example of a possible centroid if we were working with 4-dimensional points:

\[\textbf{m}_j \mbox{ is represented as the tuple } (0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.7)\]

In this example, if x stores the name of the list, then $m_{j,2}$ (using the notation from a previous setion) is x[1], or 0.5, while $m_{j,4}$ is x[3], or 0.7. Note that our mathematical notation starts at 1, while list indices start at 0.

Class Dataset

The k-means algorithm starts with a dataset—a collection of points that will be grouped into clusters. This dataset is stored in an instance of the class Dataset. This class is very simple; it just holds the list of points, so its most important (hidden) attribute is _contents, which is a list of points in the dataset.

For example, if a dataset contains the points (0.1,0.5,0.3,0.7) and (0.2,0.0,0.2,0.1), then the attribute _contents is

     [(0.1,0.5,0.3,0.7), (0.2,0.0,0.2,0.1)]

The points are all tuples of numbers, and they all have to be the same length. Remember that this length is the dimension of the data. We keep track of this dimension in a second attribute called _dimension.

The fact that all the points are supposed to have the right dimension is expressed by a class invariant:

Each element of _contents has length equal to _dimension.

You might argue that storing the dimension separately is redundant, since you could always look at the points in _contents to find it. However, we would like the dimension to be defined even before we add any points to the dataset.

One of the things that you might notice about these attributes is that they all start with an underscore. As we mentioned in class, that is a coding convention to indicate that the attributes should not be accessed directly outside of the class Dataset. In particular, neither Cluster nor Algorithm should access these attributes at all. When those two classes do need to access these attributes, they should do it through getters and setters. One of the things you will do in this assignment is implement these getters and setters.

Important: If a method of any class accesses the hidden attributes of an object in another class, you will lose points.

Class Cluster

The next idea in the algorithm that we have defined a class for is a cluster $S_j$. To support this type, we defined the class Cluster. Objects of this class will actually hold two different values: the centroid $\textbf{m}_j$ and the set $S_j$. We do this because the centroid and cluster are associated with one another, so it makes sense to store them in a single object. We need two attributes corresponding to these ideas:

  • _centroid: The point $\textbf{m}_j$ represented as a tuple.
  • _indices: A list of integers indexing the points in the cluster.

Note that we are not storing the points belonging to a cluster; we are only storing the indices of the points in the dataset. This simplifies Cluster because it does not need to worry about maintaining lists of tuples. Code that works with clusters does need to be able to get to the points, however. Therefore, the final attribute is _dataset, which is a reference to the dataset.

Once again, these attributes start with an underscore, so we want getters and (and sometimes setters) if we are going to access them in the class Algorithm (though it is okay if a method in Cluster accesses one of its own attributes with an underscore in it). This is the purpose of methods like getCentroid and addIndex. There is also a special getter getContents that is used by the visualizer.

In addition to the getters and setters, the class Cluster is the logical place to put code that does computations involving a single cluster. Reading the description of the k-means algorithm above, we find that the two core operations with clusters are computing the distance from a point to a cluster’s centroid and finding a new centroid for the cluster. These operations are handled by the two most important methods of the Cluster

  • distance: A method to find the distance from a point to the cluster’s centroid
  • update: A method to compute a new centroid for a cluster

Finally, this class contains the special Python methods __str__ and __repr__. This methods are to allow you to print clusters, which can be very informative when debugging.

Class Algorithm

The k-means algorithm needs to work with several clusters at once. Hence it does not make sense to put this code in the Cluster class. Instead, we put this code in a separate class called Algorithm. The data stored in this class is simple: a list of all clusters in the algorithm, and as with Cluster, a reference back to the dataset.

  • _dataset: The dataset we are clustering
  • _clusters: The list of current clusters $S_1, \ldots, S_k$

Once again, we have getters and setters for these attributes. But the important methods of class Algorithm are the core of the k-means algorithm.

  • _partition: A method to partition the dataset, implementing step 2 of the algorithm.
  • _nearest: A helper method for _partition to find the nearest cluster to a point.
  • _update: A method to update all the cluster centroids, implementing step 3

Finally there are the methods that orchestrate the whole process:

  • step: A method that executes one step of the process, updating and re-partitioning.
  • run: A method that computes a clustering, from start to finish

So a user of the class who just wants to cluster a dataset into $k$ clusters would create a Dataset, add all the points to it, create a Algorithm with $k$ clusters, and then call run for the algorithm object.

You will notice that some of the methods have names starting with an underscore. The meaning is the same as with attributes: these methods are meant to be used internally rather than called directly by code outside the Algorithm class.

Precondition Enforcement

Once again, we want you to get into the habit of asserting preconditions. Unlike the last assignment, we are not making a distinction between enforced and normal preconditions. If it is a precondition, you should enforce it with an assert statement.

Some of the preconditions are quite complete this time. For example, method addPoint in Dataset requires that point is a tuple of numbers. There are two different things to check here:

  • point is a list
  • Every element of point is a number (int or float)

The second part requires a for-loop (or equivalent) to check, and we do not know how to mix for-loops and asserts. The best way to handle this precondition is to write a helper function that returns True if these are both true, and False if not. We have provided this helper is_point for you in a6dataset.py. To use it in the method addPoint, you simply write

  assert is_point(point)

As with Assignment 4, we are not requiring any error messages with your assert statements. Note that this is not the only part of the precondition in addPoint to enforce, but it is hardest part.

We have provided the stubs for two more functions to help with enforcing preconditions. There is is_point_list in a6dataset.py and valid_seeds in a6algorithm.py. You are expected to complete these functions according to their specification. You should then use them to enforce the preconditions for your methods.

With the exception of self, you are expected to enforce all preconditions for the methods in this assignment.

Running the Application

Because there are so many files involved, this application is handled a little differently from previous assignments. To run the application, keep all of the files inside of the folder cluster. Do not rename this folder. To run the program, change the directory in your command shell to just outside of the folder cluster and type

python cluster --view

In this case, Python will run the entire folder. What this really means is that it runs the script in __main__.py. This script imports each of the other modules in this folder to create a complex application.

The script __main__.py is actually quite sophisticated. If you look at the code in this file, you will see that actually manages multiple applications underneath one roof. Try typing

python cluster --test

the application will run test cases (provided in a6test.py) on all of your classes. You will want to rely on this, because the visualizer only works on two-dimensional data.

Finally, if you type

python cluster file.csv 5

the application will load the CSV (comma separated values) file file.csv and perform k-means clustering with 5 clusters, and print out the results.

Using the Test Cases

As we said, executing the application with the --test option will run test cases on the classes Dataset, Cluster and Algorithm. These test cases are designed so that you should be able to test your code in the order that you implement it. However, if you want to “skip ahead” on a feature, you are allowed to edit a6test.py to remove a test. Those tests are simply there for your convenience.

This test script is fairly long, but if you learn to read what this script is doing, you will understand exactly what is going on in this assignment and it will be easier to understand what is going wrong when there is a bug. However, one drawback of this script is that (unlike a grading program) it does not provide a lot of detailed feedback. You are encouraged to sit down with a staff member to talk about this test script in order to understand it better.

With that said, this test script is not complete. It does not have full coverage of all the major cases, and it may miss some bugs in your code. It is just enough to ensure that basic features are working. You may lose points during grading even if you pass all the tests in this file (our grading program has a lot more tests). Therefore, you may want to add additional tests as you debug. However, we do not want you to submit the file a6test.py when you are done, even if you made modifications to the file.

Using the Visualizer

K-means clustering is cooler when you can what is actually going on. If you run the application with the --view option, you will get a visualizer that will help you see the application in action. It is much more limited than the unit test because you can only visualize 2-dimension points. It will also only work properly once you have completed the entire assignment. However, even if you have not completed the assignment, it is still useful and will show some information.

When you start the visualizer for the first time, it will look like the window shown below. You will see a empty plot of a 2-dimensional axis, as well as some buttons and menus to the right. You will also get an error message telling you to finish Dataset.

As the error message says, this visualizer is not going to do anything until you start implementing the various parts of this assignment. Once you have most of the assignment completed (up to Part C of Algorithm), you can use the visualizer to perform a k-means clustering on a two-dimensional data set.

Once you have everything working, click on the drop-down menu to select a dataset, like sample1. These options correspond to the CSV files in the datadirectory. Your initialization step will pick $k$ random centroids and partition the data. The result will look something like the following:

Note that each cluster is a different color. The points in the cluster are crosses, while the solid circle is the centroid.

You can use the pull-down menu to change the k-value. There is a limit on the number of k values you can choose because there are only so many different colors that we could think of. Whenever you change the k, it will reinitialize the centroids. It will also reinitialize the centroids when you hit the reset button.

The overlay option changes how the centroid is drawn. It if False, the centroid is a simple, small circle. If it is True, then it grows to a large transparent circle containing (most of) the dataset.

The overlay option requires that you finish the getRadius method in Cluster. However, it is not perfect, and you should not assume that your getRadiusis wrong if a few points stray outside of the overlay.

Each time you hit the step button, it will perform step 3 of the k-means algorithm. You can watch the centroids change as you hit the button. When the algorithm converges, you will see the word True after Finished and the step button will no longer do anything. Below is a picture of a finished computation with final versions of the clusters.

This visualizer will work with valid any CSV file (see below). You can load a new file by selecting the <select file> under Dataset. For example, try the file basic-2d.csv in datasets.zip. This is a small set of 2-dimensional points. For data files that are more than two dimensional (like the candy data sets), the visualizer will only use the first two values for each point. For data sets that are one dimensional (like flat.csv) it will use 0.5 for the y values, creating a line in the middle of the window.

Using CSV Files

While working on this assignment, you might want to work with your own datasets. The cluster package can process any dataset you want, of any dimension you want, so long as it is in a proper CSV file. A CSV file is a comma separated value file, and these can be generated by most spreadsheet programs like Excel. CSV files represent simple tables. They have a header row with the names of each column, but then every row after the first only contains values. The files in datasets.zip are examples of CSV files.

The dataset CSV file must have a particular format. All of the values in the non-header rows must be numbers. The only exception is if you have a column named COMMENTS. You can write whatever you want in this column; it is a way of labeling your data. We have done that in the candy datasets.

To process a file, type the command

python cluster file.csv k

(where k is a number and file.csv is a name of a CSV file). This will perform k-means clustering with k clusters on the file file.csv. It will print the result on your screen. If you would like to output the results to a new CSV file (which will have additional columns for the centroid and cluster number), you can do that with the --output option, like this

python cluster file.csv k --ouput output.csv

You can also use this command with the --view option to open the visualizer on a custom dataset.

Assignment Instructions

In the files a6dataset.py, a6cluster.py, and a6algorithm.py we have provided the definitions for the classes discussed above. You have the class invariants and all method specifications, but almost all the method bodies are just stubs. Your task is to implement all the stubbed methods in these classes. We recommend starting with Dataset, since that is needed by the other classes. Then implement Cluster, and test that all its methods are working correctly. Finally implement and test Algorithm. When that is working correctly, your assignment is finished.


This assignment has a problem: there is an exam in the middle of the assignment. There is not much we can do about this. But to make matters worse, parts of this assignment will be covered by the exam. In particular, both the class Dataset and Cluster (in their entirety) are fair game. You should do everything that you can to finish these parts of the assignment before the exam.

Once again, at the end of each part, we have a suggested completion date. While this is not enforced, we recommend that you try to hit these deadlines. If you cannot make these deadlines, it might be a sign that you are having difficulty and need some extra help. In that case, you should see a staff member as soon as possible.

Task 1: The Dataset Class

The first thing you should do before working on this class is read the class invariant.

# Attribute _dimension: The point dimension for this dataset
# Invariant: _dimension is an int > 0.
# Attribute _contents:  The dataset contents
# Invariant: _contents is a list of tuples of numbers (float or int), 
# possibly empty. Each element of _contents is a tuple of size _dimension

Note that these attributes begin with an underscore. That means they can be accessed inside the code for Dataset, but nowhere else. Access by any other class (Cluster or Algorithm) requires a getter or setter.

This class has six methods: the initializer, four getters and a setter. The specifications of all of these methods are included in the file a6dataset.py. The getters are the most straight-forward. Most of the time, you just need to return the attribute. The only interesting function is the initializer, and that is because it needs to make sure the class invariant is true when it is done.

When you implement the initializer, note that the specification says that the class is supposed to keep a copy of the parameter contents. In this context this means that you need to set the _contents attribute to a new list that contains the points in contents. Because points are tuples and not lists, you do not need to perform a deep copy (indeed slicing a tuple does not create a copy). But you do need to copy the list portion.

Asserting Preconditions

In addition to the class Dataset you will notice the stub for a function called is_point_list. You are expected to complete this function as well. Once you have completed that function, you should go back to every method with preconditions and assert those preconditions. This includes both the initializer and any setters. Recall that preconditions are how we preserve the invariants, so asserting the preconditions prevents the invariants from being violated.

Testing it Out

Both the function is_point_list and the class Dataset have their own test procedures in a4test.py, so you can test them out separately (but read Using the Test Cases for how to execute the test script properly). If you see output that says

   function is_point_list appears correct
   class Dataset appears correct

then you can be pretty confident about this part.

You can also try your code in the visualizer. Run the visualizer and load a data file as described above. The points will only be displayed as black crosses, and the algorithm controls will not work, but you will be able to see the data.

If you click on the Reset button, you will see some error messages in the terminal saying FAILED VISUALIZATION. This is perfectly normal. These error messages are the visualizer letting us know that it was not able to form clusters yet and that it shifted down to testing only the Dataset part of your code.

We highly recommend that you finish Dataset by Thursday, November 4. This guarantees that you have written a complete class before the exam, as this will be similar to one of the questions on the exam. It also puts you in a good place to finish the assignment at a somewhat leisurely pace.

Task 2: The Cluster Class

The class Cluster is a little more involved that Dataset, so we have broken it up into two parts: Part A and Part B. Each part has its own test procedure in a6test.py, so you can fully test one part before moving on to the next.

Part A: Getters and Setters

The class invariant for the Cluster class mentions the following instance attributes:

# Attribute _dataset: The Dataset for this cluster
# Invariant: _dataset is an instance of Dataset
# Attribute _centroid: The centroid of this cluster
# Invariant: _centroid is a point (tuple of int/float) whose length is 
# equal to to the dimension of _dataset.
# Attribute _indices: the indices of this cluster's points in the dataset
# Invariant: _indices is a list of ints. For each element ind in _indices,
# 0 <= ind < _dataset.getSize()

Once again, these attributes begin with an underscore, which means that you will need to implement getters and setters. Once again these are straight-forward. The only unusual one is getContents. The return value is supposed to be a list containing the points themselves, not the indices of the those points. You will need to loop over the indices, creating copies of the corresponding points from the database and collecting those copies in a newly created list.

You will also need to implement the initializer in this part of the assignment. When you are done, remember to assert all your preconditions. Look very carefully at the precondition for dset. In particular, use isinstance, not type. As for the other preconditions, feel free to use the functions provided by a6dataset.py.

Part B: distance, getRadius, and update

The last three methods are more complex methods that are necessary for the k-means algorithm. To implement distance, refer to the definition of euclidean distance given earlier in this document. The function getRadius will loop over all of the points in the cluster, compute their distance to the centroid and return the largest value.

The function update is the most complex function in this class. You will need to first go through all the points, adding up their coordinates. You need the sum of the first coordinates of all the points in the cluster, the sum of all the second coordinates, and so on. After that, you will need to divide by the number of points in the cluster. Finally, you need to decide whether the centroid has changed. The function numpy.allclose is mentioned in the specification. This function takes two lists or tuples of numbers and tells you whether the corresponding numbers from the two lists are all very close in value.

When you are done, remember to assert all your preconditions.

Testing it Out

Both parts A and B have their own test procedures, so you can test them separately. Run the tests after completing each part. If everything is working, you will get the appropriate message.

Once you complete both parts, you will see that the visualizer has a lot more functionality. When you load up a data file and click the Reset button, you will see all points in the data set as blue markers in the plot window. In addition, you will see a small blue circle with black border representing an initial centroid. Finally, you can turn the small blue circle into a big one by choosing the overlay option.

There will still be the error message FAILED VISUALIZATION printed out somewhere in the command shell. This is normal.

Ideally, you should be done with Part A of Cluster by Friday, November 5. This is not a particularly hard part of the assignment and can be done quickly. More importantly, that means you can still finish Part B before exam.

We highly recommend that you finish Part B of Cluster by Sunday, November 7. Part B is one of the (two) hardest parts of the assignment. Not only will finishing it give you experience with a more complicated class, but update is also a very important for-loops exercise. Honestly, it is better to finish Part B of the assignment than to work on any of the old prelims.

Once you have finished Cluster, you have completed everything that you need to complete for the exam. But there is one more function you should work on if you do not want to be rushed after the exam.

Task 3: The Algorithm Class

The last class to implement is the Algorithm class. As before, you need to implement the methods following their specifications. The methods in this class do a lot, but because of all the work you did in the lower-level classes, the code for these methods are reasonable.

Once again, we have broken this assignment up into several parts. Each part has its own test procedure in a6test.py.

Part A: The Function valid_seeds

When we start the algorithm, we need to begin with a collection of seeds. The seeds are our choices for the initial centroids as described above. A seed list is a collection of integers representing the positions of these centroids in the dataset. In order to be a valid seed list, the values must all be less than the size of the dataset, and no integer can appear twice.

In the class Algorithm we allow the user to start with a random collection of seeds, or to specify their own seed list. But that means we need to enforce the precondition that the seed list is valid. That is the purpose of this function.

We recommend you finish this function by Monday, November 8. This is a straight-forward function, not much harder than a lab. Once you finish this function you can stop and study for the exam, but finishing this function ensures you are not pressed for time once the exam is over.

Part B: The Initializer

The initializer has the job of setting up the clusters to their initial states so that the first iteration of the algorithm can proceed. Each cluster needs its centroid initialized, but will start off empty (no data points) until the first partitioning step. You will need to create a list of Cluster objects, and each one needs to be created using a point for its centroid.

If a seed list is specified, we use this list to choose the centroids. Once again, remember to assert all preconditions either using the function valid_seeds or the functions from a6dataset.py.

If the seed list is not present, then we need to pick the centroids at random from the dataset. It is important to note that we do not want to select the same point twice, so simply selecting $k$ random indices into the dataset will not do it. Fortunately, in the random package there is a function random.sample that selects a number of items from a list. The returned list has no duplicates in it. You should use this function to select which points from the dataset will become the seeds of clusters.

There is only one getter to implement in Part B. Since Algorithm accesses other classes, but no classes access it, it does not need a lot of getters.

We recommend that you finish this part by Monday, November 15. This part is very short, so you should be able to do it with little difficulty at this point. And this should give you enough time to recover from the exam.s

Part C: Partitioning

In the next step, you must implement the two methods necessary to partition the data set among the different clusters. When implementing the _nearest method, you should use a loop over the list of clusters, since they are the possible candidates. During the execution of your loop, you may want to keep track of both the nearest cluster found so far and the distance to the nearest cluster found so far. An interesting question (with more than one good answer) is what you should initialize these values to.

The _partition method separates all the points into clusters. It can be very simple since the distance computation is already implemented in Cluster.

Try to finish Part C of Algorithm by Tuesday, November 16. This is the second hardest part of the assignment (after update in Cluster). Once you are done with this, the rest of the assignment is very straight-forward.

Part D: Update

The next two methods are used to perform a single step in the k-means algorithm. The _update method involves updating all the clusters, which is easy because the core operation is already implemented in Cluster. The only complication is keeping track of whether all the centroids remained unchanged. One approach is to do something similar to what you did for finding the nearest cluster: keep track of whether a changed centroid has been seen so far.

The step method is simple once you have _update and _partition. If you do it right, it is only two lines.

Try to finish Part D of Algorithm by Wednesday, November 17. By this point you have completed most of the hard work and the method implementations should actually be getting easier. Completing this part on time will leave Tuesday (the last day) for final debugging.

Part E: Run

The final method run involves calling step repeatedly. The only issue is that you have to know when to stop. You do not need a while-loop to do this (as we will not have covered these in time). Just loop maxstep times; if the computation converges early, exit the loop with a return statement.

This method takes an argument, so you should remember to assert your preconditions. Once you have implemented this method, you are done with the assignment.

Testing it Out

Once you complete each part of Algorithm, run the unit test. If everything is working, you will get the appropriate message, just like with Cluster.

You can also test this part in the visualizer. When you load a data file, you should be able to run the entire clustering process. You can see the initial clusters once the Clustering initializer is working. Once part D is done, you can see the process of refining clusters step by step. You should be able to visually confirm the operation of the algorithm; after each iteration, each point should have the same color as the nearest centroid.

You might find it interesting to run k-means clustering on the examples several times, and see how the means move around. Note that if you have too few clusters, points that seem far apart end up in the same cluster. But if you have too many clusters, you get clusters that seem to lie too close to each other. Cluster analysis can be finicky.

Finishing Touches

Once you have everything working you should go back and make sure that your program meets the class coding conventions. In particular, you should check that the following are all true:

  • You have indented with spaces, not tabs (Atom Editor handles this automatically).
  • Functions are each separated by two blank lines.
  • Lines are short enough (~80 characters) that horizontal scrolling is not necessary.
  • Docstrings are only used for specifications, not general comments.
  • Your name(s) and netid(s) are in the comments at the top of the modules.

We only want you to upload the three files you modified: a6dataset.py, a6cluster.py and a6algorithm.py. We do not want any other files, even if you added more tests to a6test.py. Upload these files to CMS by the due date: Thursday, November 18.

Completing the Survey

In addition to turning in the assignment, we ask that you complete the survey posted in CMS. Once again, the surveys will ask about things such as how long you spent on the assignment, your impression of the difficulty, and what could be done to improve it. Please try to complete the survey within a day of turning in this assignment. Remember that participation in surveys comprise 1% of your final grade.