Zoom Presentations

This page contains the link to all of the Zoom presentations, which are held during lecture time, 10:20-11:15 on Tuesday/Thursday. As the Zoom link is subject to change, you should always check the the page for the appropriate day to get the correct link. In addition, once a Zoom session is complete, the video will be available on this page for viewing.

Both the Zoom session and the session recording are restricted to a valid Cornell netid login. However, slides and demo code may be downloaded without a Cornell netid.

Note: These versions of the videos are not closed-captioned. If you need closed captioning support for these videos, please visit the official VOD channel for CS 1110.

Oct. 22. More Recursion

More Recursion

This presentation references Videos 17.6-17.11.

The divide-and-conquer examples we saw in the previous session were on the easy side. In this session we look at some much more challenging examples.    Attend ›

October 22, 2020 slides demos

Oct. 20. Recursion


This presentation references Videos 17.1-17.5.

Recursion is a powerful programming tool and one of the fundamental principles of computer science. It is used in many advanced algorithms.    Attend ›

October 20, 2020 slides demos

Oct. 15. For-Loops


This presentation references Videos 16.1-16.7.

In this session, we review the for-loop, which is the next control structure. This is the last control structure we will need for a while.    Attend ›

October 15, 2020 slides no demos

Oct. 13. Lists (and Sequences)

Lists (and Sequences)

This presentation references Videos 15.1-15.7.

In this session we review the two new sequence data types: tuples, and lists. This is the last material on the first prelim.    Attend ›

October 13, 2020 slides demos

Oct. 8. Asserts and Error Handling

Asserts and Error Handling

This presentation references Lesson 13 and 14.

In this session we review how we read error messages in Python. We also show how to both create errors and how to recover from them.    Attend ›

October 8, 2020 slides demos