# lab13.py # YOUR NAME(S) AND NETID(S) HERE # DATE COMPLETED HERE """Loop invariant functions""" def swap(b,i,j): """Swaps the values b[i] and b[j] Parameter b: The list to swap inside Precondition: b is a list of anything Parameter i: The first position to swap Precondition: i is an int in 0..len(b)-1 Parameter j: The second position to swap Precondition: j is an int in 0..len(b)-1 """ tmp = b[i] b[i] = b[j] b[j] = tmp #### PART 1A #### def minpos1(b,h,k): """Returns: the POSITION of the minimum value of the list b[h..k] This function does NOT modify the list b. Parameter b: The list to search for the minimum Precondition: b is a list of integers Parameter h: The place to start in the list Precondition: h is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h <= k Parameter k: The place to finish in the list Precondition: k is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h <= k """ # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[x] is minimum of b[w+1..k] # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[x] is minimum of b[h..k] # PUT THE RETURN STATEMENT HERE def minpos2(b,h,k): """Returns: the POSITION of the minimum value of the list b[h..k] This function does NOT modify the list b. Parameter b: The list to search for the minimum Precondition: b is a list of integers Parameter h: The place to start in the list Precondition: h is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h <= k Parameter k: The place to finish in the list Precondition: k is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h <= k """ # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[x] is minimum of b[h..r-1] # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[x] is minimum of b[h..k] # PUT THE RETURN STATEMENT HERE #### PART 1B #### def fixedpartition1(b): """Returns: a position k indicating that the list b is partitioned about 6 This function modifies the list b. It modifies it so that everything in b[0..k] is <= 6 and everything in b[k+1..] is > 6. When done with this modification, it returns the value k. Parameter b: The list to partition Precondition: b is a nonempty list of integers """ # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[0..k] <= 6 and b[t..] > 6 # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[0..k] <= 6 and b[k+1..] > 6 # PUT THE RETURN STATEMENT HERE def fixedpartition2(b): """Returns: a position k indicating that the list b is partitioned about 6 This function modifies the list b. It modifies it so that everything in b[0..k] is <= 6 and everything in b[k+1..] is > 6. When done with this modification, it returns the value k. Parameter b: The list to partition Precondition: b is a nonempty list of integers """ # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[0..s-1] <= 6 and b[k+1..] > 6 # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[0..k] <= 6 and b[k+1..] > 6 # PUT THE RETURN STATEMENT HERE #### PART 2A #### def partition2(b,h,k): """Returns: a position j indicating that the list b is partitioned about initial b[h] At the start, this function identifies x = b[h]. Then it modifies the list b. It modifies it so that x is now at b[j] and everything in b[h..j-1] is <= x and everything in b[j+1..k] is >= x. When done with this modification, it returns the value j. Parameter b: The list to partition Precondition: b is a nonempty list of integers Parameter h: The start of the list Precondition: h is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h < k Parameter k: Then end of the list Precondition: h is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h < k """ x = b[0] # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[h..j-1] <= x = b[j] <= b[q+1..k], b[j+1..q] unknown # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[h..j-1] <= x = b[j] <= b[j+1..k] # PUT THE RETURN STATEMENT HERE def partition3(b,h,k): """Returns: a position j indicating that the list b is partitioned about initial b[h] At the start, this function identifies x = b[h]. Then it modifies the list b. It modifies it so that x is now at b[j] and everything in b[h..j-1] is <= x and everything in b[j+1..k] is >= x. When done with this modification, it returns the value j. Parameter b: The list to partition Precondition: b is a nonempty list of integers Parameter h: The start of the list Precondition: h is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h < k Parameter k: Then end of the list Precondition: h is an int in 0..len(b)-1, h < k """ x = b[0] # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[h..j-1] <= x = b[j] <= b[j+1..n-1], b[n..] unknown # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[h..j-1] <= x = b[j] <= b[j+1..k] # PUT THE RETURN STATEMENT HERE #### PART 2B #### def dnf2(b): """Returns: a tuple (i,j) indicating that the list b is organized in DNF format. This function modifies the list b. It modifies it so that everything in b[0..i-1] is < 0, everythnng in b[i..j-1] is 0, and everything in b[j,..] is > 0. When done with this modification, it returns the value (i,j). Parameter b: The list to partition Precondition: b is a nonempty list of integers """ # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[0..i-1] < 0, b[i..t-1] = 0, b[t..j-1] unknown, b[j..] > 0 # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[0..i-1] < 0, b[i..j-1] = 0, and b[j..] > 0 def dnf3(b): """Returns: a tuple (i,j) indicating that the list b is organized in DNF format. This function modifies the list b. It modifies it so that everything in b[0..i-1] is < 0, everythnng in b[i..j-1] is 0, and everything in b[j,..] is > 0. When done with this modification, it returns the value (i,j). Parameter b: The list to partition Precondition: b is a nonempty list of integers """ # PUT THE INITIALIZATION CODE HERE # inv: b[0..s] < 0, b[s+1..i-1] unknown, b[i..j-1] = 0, b[j..] > 0 # PUT THE WHILE LOOP HERE # post: b[0..i-1] < 0, b[i..j-1] = 0, and b[j..] > 0