# lab10.py # YOUR NAME(S) AND NETID(S) HERE # DATE COMPLETED HERE """Module for to show off advanced class design This is the ONLY module in this assignment that you should need to modify. You might want to look at shapes.py to see the base class Parallelogram, but that is it.""" import colormodel import math from shapes import * # CLASSES class Rhombus(Parallelogram): """Instances are a rhombus, A rhombus is a type of parallelogram with horizontal length l1 and other length l2 == l1. Its bottom line starts d units to the right of the x-coordinate of the leftmost part of the rhombus, unless d < 0, in which case the top line starts d units to the right of the leftmost part of the rhombus. _____ \ \ (x,y) \____\ Rhombus does NOT have any attributes beyond those in Parallelogram. However, it does have the additional invariant stated below. To enforce this invariant, it has an "artificial" attribute called side (see the lab handout for a description). The side attribute sets _l1 and _l2 and makes sure that they are the same. The getter may either get _l1 or _l2 (since they are equal). ADDITIONAL INVARIANT: The attributes _l1 and _l2 (inherited from Parallelogram) are always equal. """ # MAKE A GETTER AND SETTER FOR SIDE HERE (getSide, setSide) # INITIALIZER def __init__(self, x, y, side, d): """Initializer: make a rhombus at (x, y) with given side and leaning factor The rhombus has side length side and leaning factor d. Parameter x: The x-coordinate of the rhombus anchor Precondition: x is a number (int or float) Parameter y: The y-coordinate of the rhombus anchor Precondition: y is a number (int or float) Parameter side: The side length of the rhombus Precondition: side is a number (int or float) >= 0 Parameter d: The leaning factor of the rhombus Precondition: d is a number (int or float)""" # IMPLEMENT ME # DO NOT ASSIGN _l1, _l2, _d DIRECTLY. USE HELPER INITIALIZER pass def __str__(self): """Returns: description of this rhombus""" try: # This will crash if you did not finish getSide() return ('rhombus at ' + Shape.__str__(self) + ', side ' + str(self.getSide()) + ', distance ' + str(self.getD()) + ' from ' + str(self.getX())) except: return '' class Rectangle(Parallelogram): """Instance is a rectangle (Parallelogram with leaning factor 0) Rectangles are different from parallelograms in that rhombuses in that we can fill them with solid colors (and not just draw them as an outline). For that reason, we need another attribute. INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES (Not counting those inherited from Parallelogram): _fill: shape fill color [RGB object] This attribute is mutable and so it should have a getter and a setter. """ # MAKE A GETTER AND SETTER FOR FILL HERE (getFill, setFill) # INITIALIZER def __init__(self, x, y, w, h): """Intializer: make a square at (xp, yp) of side length l The initializer does not have a parameter for the fill color. It should set the fill color to colormodel.WHITE by default. Parameter x: The x-coordinate of the bottom left corner Precondition: x is a number (int or float) Parameter y: The y-coordinate of the bottom left corner Precondition: y is a number (int or float) Parameter w: The rectangle width (e.g. the l1 value) Precondition: w is a number (int or float) >= 0 Parameter h: The rectangle height (e.g. the l2 value) Precondition: h is a number (int or float) >= 0""" # IMPLEMENT ME # DO NOT ASSIGN ANY ATTRIBUTES DIRECTLY. USE HELPER INITIALIZER pass def getArea(self): """Returns: the area of this square""" # IMPLEMENT ME pass def __str__(self): """Returns: description of this square See instructions for details""" # IMPLEMENT ME return '' # DRAWING FUNCTION (Used by drawapp) def draw_shapes(panel): """Draws shapes on the given panel. This function is called by shapeApp.py to draw the figure. Precondition: panel is a Panel object (shapeApp.py)""" # the "1st" parallelogram is the top right one. h = 30 # length of horizontal side of 1st parallelogram v = 50 # length of other side of 1st parallelogram d1 = 20 # distance from (x,y) to 1st parallelogram's bottom horizontal line d2 = 10 # distance from (x,y) to 1st rhombus's bottom horizontal line x = 125 # Center x-coordinate of the shape. y = 175 # of the top-left point of the 1st parallelogram if d is 0 # vertical distance to top of parallelogram vert1 = int(round(math.sqrt(v*v - d1*d1))) # vertical distance to top of rhombus vert2 = int(round(math.sqrt(h*h - d2*d2))) print '\n\n' # Some blank lines # Drawing commands s1 = Parallelogram(x, y, h, v, d1) s1.setColor(colormodel.RED) panel.draw(s1) print str(s1) s2 = Parallelogram(x-d1-h, y, h, v, -d1) s2.setColor(colormodel.RED) panel.draw(s2) print str(s2) s3 = Parallelogram(x, y-vert1, h, v, -d1) s3.setColor(colormodel.RED) panel.draw(s3) print str(s3) s4 = Parallelogram(x-d1-h, y-vert1, h, v, d1) s4.setColor(colormodel.RED) panel.draw(s4) print str(s4) # CHANGE THIS TO MAKE FILL COLOR YELLOW s5 = Rectangle(x-h, y-vert1-2*h, 2*h, 2*h) s5.setColor(colormodel.GREEN) panel.draw(s5) print str(s5) s6 = Rhombus(x, y-vert1-2*h-vert2, h, d2) s6.setColor(colormodel.BLUE) panel.draw(s6) print str(s6) s7 = Rhombus(x-h-d2, y-vert1-2*h-vert2, h, -d2) s7.setColor(colormodel.BLUE) panel.draw(s7) print str(s7) # REPLACE ME! s8 = Line(x+h+d1, y, x+h, y-vert1-2*h) s8.setColor(colormodel.BLACK) panel.draw(s8) print str(s8) # END REPLACE # REPLACE ME! s9 = Line(x-h-d1, y, x-h, y-vert1-2*h) s9.setColor(colormodel.BLACK) panel.draw(s9) print str(s9) # END REPLACE print '\n\n' # Some blank lines