# lab08.py # YOUR NAME AND NETID HERE # THE DATE COMPLETED HERE """Lab 8: Recursive Functions""" # IMPLEMENT ALL OF THESE FUNCTIONS def numberof(thelist, v): """Returns: number of times v occurs in thelist. Parameter thelist: The list to count from Precondition: thelist is a list of ints Parameter v: The value to count Precondition: v is an int""" # HINT: Divide and conquer only applies to one of the arguments, not both return 0 # Stub return. Replace this. def replace(thelist,a,b): """Returns: a COPY of thelist but with all occurrences of a replaced by b. Example: replace([1,2,3,1], 1, 4) = [4,2,3,4]. Parameter thelist: The list to count from Precondition: thelist is a list of ints Parameter a: The value to replace Precondition: a is an int Parameter b: The value to replace with Precondition: b is an int""" # HINT: Divide and conquer only applies to one of the arguments, not all three return [] # Stub return. Replace this. def remove_dups(thelist): """Returns: a COPY of thelist with adjacent duplicates removed. Example: for thelist = [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,1,1,1] the answer is [1,2,3,4,5,1] Parameter thelist: The list to modify Precondition: thelist is a list of ints""" # HINT: You can still do this with divide-and-conquer # The tricky part is combining the answers return [] # Stub return. Replace this. def oddsevens(thelist): """Returns: copy of the list with odds at front, evens in the back. Odd numbers are in the same order as thelist. Evens are reversed. Example: oddsevens([3,4,5,6]) returns [3,5,6,4]. oddsevens([2,3,4,5,6]) returns [3,5,6,4,2]. oddsevens([1,2,3,4,5,6]) returns [1,3,5,6,4,2]. Parameter thelist: The list to modify Precondition: thelist is a list of ints (may be empty)""" # HINT: How you break up the list is important. A bad division will # make it almost impossible to combine the answer together. # However, if you look at the examples in the specification you # will see a pattern that should help you define the recursion. return [] # Stub return. Replace this. # OPTIONAL EXERCISES def number_not(thelist, v): """Returns: number of elements in seq that are NOT v. Parameter thelist: the list to search Precondition: thelist is a list of ints Parameter v: the value to search for Precondition: v is an int""" return 0 # Stub return. Replace this. def remove_first(thelist, v): """Returns: a COPY of thelist but with the FIRST occurrence of v removed (if present). Note: This can be done easily using index. Don't do that. Do it recursively. Parameter thelist: the list to search Precondition: thelist is a list of ints Parameter v: the value to search for Precondition: v is an int""" return [] # Stub return. Replace this. def sum_list(thelist): """Returns: the sum of the integers in list l. Example: sum_list([34]) is 34 Example: sum_list([7,34,1,2,2]) is 46 Parameter thelist: the list to sum Precondition: thelist is a list of ints""" return 0 # Stub return. Replace this. def histogram(text): """Return: a histogram (dictionary) of the # of letters in string text. The result is a dictionary. The keys for the dictionary are the individual letters in text. The values are the counts for each latter. If the letter does not appear in text, then there is NO KEY for it in the histogram. Examples: histogram('sample') returns {'s':1, 'a':1, 'm':1, 'p':1, 'e':1} histogram('abracadabra') returns {'a':5, 'b':2, 'c':1, 'd':1, 'r':2} histogram('') returns {} Parameter text: the text to analyze Precondition: text is a string (possibly empty). """ return {} # Stub return. Replace this ### Numeric Examples ### def sum_to(n): """Returns: sum of numbers 1 to n. Example: sum_to(3) = 1+2+3 = 6, Example: sum_to(5) = 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 Parameter n: the number of ints to sum Precondition: n >= 1 is an int.""" return 0 # Stub return. Replace this. def num_digits(n): """Returns: number of the digits in the decimal representation of n. Example: num_digits(0) = 1 Example: num_digits(3) = 1 Example: num_digits(34) = 2 Example: num_digits(1356) = 4 Parameter n: the number to analyze Precondition: n >= 0 is an int""" return 0 # Stub return. Replace this. def sum_digits(n): """Returns: sum of the digits in the decimal representation of n. Example: sum_digits(0) = 0 Example: sum_digits(3) = 3 Example: sum_digits(34) = 7 Example: sum_digits(345) = 12 Parameter n: the number to analyze Precondition: n >= 0 is an int.""" return 0 # Stub return. Replace this. def number2(n): """Returns: the number of 2's in the decimal representation of n. Example: number2(0) = 0 Example: number2(2) = 1 Example: number2(234252) = 3 Parameter n: the number to analyze Precondition: n >= 0 is an int.""" return 0 # Stub return. Replace this. def into(n, c): """Returns: The number of times that c divides n, Example: into(5,3) = 0 because 3 does not divide 5. Example: into(3*3*3*3*7,3) = 4. Parameter n: the number to analyze Precondition: n >= 1 is an int Parameter c: the number to divide by Precondition: c > 1 are ints.""" return 0 # Stub return. Replace this.