# lab06.py # YOUR NAME AND NETID HERE # Initial skeleton by Walker White (wmw2) # THE DATE COMPLETED HERE """Module to demonstrate debugging and error handling. This module contains several functions with bugs in it. You are to find and remove the bugs using the techniques that we talked about in class. In addition, you will also add assert statements to this functions to assert the (somewhat complex) precondition. These assert statements will be aided by the latter two functions in this module.""" # PART 1: DEBUGGING def time_to_military(s): """ Returns: the time in 24-hour (military) format. 24-hour format has the form ':'. The hours are between 0 and 23, and are always two digits (so there must be a leading zero). The minutes are between 0 and 59, and are always 2 digits. Examples: '2:45 PM' becomes '14:45' '9:05 AM' becomes '09:05' '12:00 AM' becomes '00:00' Parameter s: string representation of the time Precondition: s is a string in 12-format : AM/PM""" # PART 2: Add assert statements here to enforce preconditions # Split up the string pos1 = s.index(':') pos2 = s.index(' ') # Extract hours and minutes hour = int(s[:pos1]) mins = s[pos1+1:pos2] suff = s[pos2+1:] # Adjust hour to be correct. if (suff == 'PM'): hour += 12 else: hour = 0 # Add a leading zero if necessary if (hour <= 10): hour = '0'+str(hour) else: hour = str(hour) # Glue it back together return str(hour)+':'+mins def time_to_minutes(s): """Returns: number of minutes since midnight Examples: '2:45 PM' => 14*60+45 = 885 '9:05 AM' => 9*60+5 = 545 '12:00 AM' => 0 Parameter s: string representation of the time Precondition: s is a string in 12-format : AM/PM""" # PART 2: Add assert statements here to enforce preconditions # Find the separators pos1 = s.index(':') pos2 = s.index(' ') # Get hour and convert to int hour = s[:pos1] hour = int(hour) # Adjust hour to be correct. suff = s[pos2+1:] if (suff == 'PM'): hoar = hour+12 elif (suff == 'AM' and hour == 12): hour = 0 # Get min and convert to int mins = s[pos1:pos2] mins = int(mins) return hour*60+mins # PART 2: ASSERT HELPER def is_time_format(s): """Returns: True if s is a string in 12-format : AM/PM Example: is_time_format('2:45 PM') returns True is_time_format('2:45PM') returns False is_time_format('14:45') returns False is_time_format('14:45 AM') returns False is_time_format(245) returns False Parameter s: the candidate time to format Precondition: NONE (s can be any value)""" # HINT: Your function must be prepared to do something if s is a string. # Even if s is a string, the first number before the colon may be one # or two digits. You must be prepared for either. # You might find the method s.isdigit() to be useful. # PART 3: TRY-EXCEPT def something_to_military(s): """Returns: the time in 24-hour (military) format if appropriate. The function is the same as time_to_military if s satisfies the precondition for that function. If s does not satisfy the precondition then this function returns 'Invalid time format' Examples: something_to_military('2:45 PM') returns '14:45' something_to_military('9:05 AM') returns '09:05' something_to_military('12:00 AM') returns '00:00' something_to_military(905) returns 'Invalid time format' something_to_military('abc') returns 'Invalid time format' something_to_military('9:05') returns 'Invalid time format' Parameter s: the candidate time to format Precondition: NONE (s can be any value)""" # You are not allowed to use 'if' in this definition. Use try-except instead. # Hint: You have to complete PART 2 before you complete this part.