# funcs.py # Walker M. White (wmw2), Lillian Lee (ljl2) # September 6, 2016 """Functions for handling Strings This module provides a few functions for manipulating strings. These functions all have errors, and you must test them to find the errors. This module is intended to prepare you for the first assignment. """ def has_a_vowel(s): """Returns: True if s has at least one vowel (a, e, i, o, or u) This function does not count y as a vowel. Parameter s: a string to check Precondition: s is a non-empty string with all lower case letters This function may include intentional errors.""" return 'a' in s and 'e' in s and 'i' in s and 'o' in s and 'u' in s def replace_first(word,a,b): """Returns: a copy of word with the FIRST instance of a replaced by b Example: replace_first('crane','a','o') returns 'crone' Example: replace_first('poll','l','o') returns 'pool' Parameter word: The string to copy and replace Precondition: word is a string Parameter a: The substring to find in word Precondition: a is a valid substring of word Parameter b: The substring to use in place of a Precondition: b is a string """ pos = word.rfind(a) before = word[:pos] after = word[pos+1:] result = before+b+after return result