# a4.py # YOUR NAME(S) AND NETID(S) HERE # DATE COMPLETED HERE """Module to draw cool shapes with the Tk Turtle. The module can be run as a script to show off the various functions. Unimplemented functions will do nothing.""" import tkturtle import colormodel import math ################# Helpers for Precondition Verification ################# def is_number(x): """Returns: True if value x is a number; False otherwise. Parameter x: the value to check Precondition: NONE (x can be any value)""" return type(x) in [float, int] def is_window(w): """Returns: True if w is a tkturtle Window; False otherwise. Parameter w: the value to check Precondition: NONE (w can be any value)""" return type(w) == tkturtle.Window def is_valid_color(c): """Returns: True c is a valid turtle color; False otherwise Parameter c: the value to check Precondition: NONE (c can be any value)""" return (type(c) == colormodel.RGB or type(c) == colormodel.HSV or (type(c) == str and c in colormodel._TK_COLOR_MAP)) def is_valid_speed(sp): """Returns: True if sp is an int in range 0..10; False otherwise. Parameter sp: the value to check Precondition: NONE (sp can be any value)""" return (type(sp) == int and 0 <= sp and sp <= 10) def is_valid_length(side): """Returns: True if side is a number >= 0; False otherwise. Parameter side: the value to check Precondition: NONE (side can be any value)""" return (is_number(side) and 0 <= side) def is_valid_iteration(n): """Returns: True if n is an int >= 1; False otherwise. Parameter n: the value to check Precondition: NONE (n can be any value)""" return (type(n) == int and 1 <= n) def is_valid_depth(d): """Returns: True if d is an int >= 0; False otherwise. Parameter d: the value to check Precondition: NONE (d can be any value)""" return (type(d) == int and d >= 0) def is_valid_turtlemode(t): """Returns: True t is a Turtle with drawmode True; False otherwise. Parameter t: the value to check Precondition: NONE (t can be any value)""" return (type(t) == tkturtle.Turtle and t.drawmode) def is_valid_penmode(p): """Returns: True t is a Pen with fill False; False otherwise. Parameter p: the value to check Precondition: NONE (p can be any value)""" return (type(p) == tkturtle.Pen and not p.fill) def report_error(message, value): """Returns: An error message about the given value. This is a function for constructing error messages to be used in assert statements. We find that students often introduce bugs into their assert statement messages, and do not find them because they are in the habit of not writing tests that violate preconditions. The purpose of this function is to give you an easy way of making error messages without having to worry about introducing such bugs. Look at the function draw_two_lines for the proper way to use it. Parameter message: The error message to display Precondition: message is a string Parameter value: The value that caused the error Precondition: NONE (value can be anything)""" return message+': '+`value` #################### DEMO: Two lines #################### def draw_two_lines(w,sp): """Draws two lines on to window w. In the middle of the window w, this function draws a green line 100 pixels to the west, and then a red line 200 pixels to the south. It uses a new turtle that moves at speed sp, 0 <= sp <= 10, with 1 being slowest and 10 fastest (and 0 being "instant"). Parameter w: The window to draw upon. Precondition: w is a tkturtle Window object. Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # Assert the preconditions assert is_window(w), report_error('w is not a valid window',w) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) t = tkturtle.Turtle(w) t.speed = sp t.color = 'green' t.forward(100) # draw a line 100 pixels in the current direction t.left(90) # add 90 degrees to the angle t.color = 'red' t.forward(200) #################### TASK 1: Triangle #################### def draw_triangle(t, s, c): """Draws an equilateral triangle of side s and color c at currenct position. The direction of the triangle depends on the current facing of the turtle. If the turtle is facing west, the triangle points up and the turtle starts and ends at the east end of the base line. WHEN DONE, THE FOLLOWING TURTLE ATTRIBUTES ARE THE SAME AS IT STARTED: position (x and y, within round-off errors), heading, color, and drawmode. If you changed any of these in the function, you must change them back. Parameter t: The drawing Turtle Precondition: t is a Turtle with drawmode True. Parameter s: The length of each triangle side Precondition: s is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter c: The triangle color Precondition: c is a valid turtle color (see the helper function above)""" # Assert the preconditions assert is_valid_turtlemode(t), report_error('Invalid turtle mode', t) assert is_valid_length(s), report_error('Invalid side length', s) assert is_valid_color(c), report_error('Invalid color', c) # Hint: each angle in an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees. # Note: In this function, DO NOT save the turtle position and heading # in the beginning and then restore them at the end. The turtle moves # should be such that the turtle ends up where it started and facing # in the same direction, automatically. # Also, 3 lines have to be drawn. Does this suggest a for loop that # processes the range 0..2? pass #################### TASK 2: Hexagon #################### def draw_hex(t, s): """Draws six triangles using the color 'orange' to make a hexagon. The triangles are equilateral triangles, using draw_triangle as a helper. The drawing starts at the turtle's current position and heading. The middle of the hexagon is the turtle's starting position. WHEN DONE, THE FOLLOWING TURTLE ATTRIBUTES ARE THE SAME AS IT STARTED: position (x and y, within round-off errors), heading, color, and drawmode. If you changed any of these in the function, you must change them back. Parameter t: The drawing Turtle Precondition: t is a Turtle with drawmode True. Parameter s: The length of each triangle side Precondition: s is a valid side length (number >= 0)""" # Assert the preconditions assert is_valid_turtlemode(t), report_error('Invalid turtle mode', t) assert is_valid_length(s), report_error('Invalid side length', s) # Note: Do not save any of the turtle's properties and then restore them # at the end. Just use 6 calls on procedures drawTriangle and t.left. Test # the procedure to make sure that t's final location and heading are the # same as t's initial location and heading (except for roundoff error). # The procedure is supposed to draw 6 triangles. Does that suggest a loop # that processes the integers in 0..5? pass #################### Task 3A: Spirals #################### def draw_spiral(w, side, ang, n, sp): """Draws a spiral using draw_spiral_helper(t, side, ang, n, sp) This function clears the window and makes a new turtle t. This turtle starts in the middle of the canvas facing east (NOT the default west). It then calls draw_spiral_helper(t, side, ang, n, sp). When it is done, the turtle is left hidden (visible is False). Parameter w: The window to draw upon. Precondition: w is a tkturtle Window object. Parameter side: The length of each spiral side Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter ang: The angle of each corner of the spiral Precondition: ang is a number Parameter n: The number of edges of the spiral Precondition: n is a valid number of iterations (int >= 1) Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_window(w), report_error('w is not a valid window',w) assert is_valid_length(side), report_error('side is not a valid length',side) assert is_valid_iteration(n), report_error('n is not a valid number of iterations',side) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) # HINT: w.clear() clears window. # HINT: set the turtle's visible attribute to False at the end. pass def draw_spiral_helper(t, side, ang, n, sp): """Draws a spiral of n lines at the current position and heading. The spiral begins at the current turtle position and heading, turning ang degrees to the left after each line. Line 0 is side pixels long. Line 1 is 2*side pixels long, and so on. Hence each Line i is (i+1)*side pixels long. The lines alternate between red, blue, and green, in that order, with the first one red. The turtle draws at speed sp. WHEN DONE, THE FOLLOWING TURTLE ATTRIBUTES ARE THE SAME AS IT STARTED: color, speed, visible, and drawmode. However, the final position and heading may be different. If you changed any of these four in the function, you must change them back. Parameter t: The drawing Turtle Precondition: t is a Turtle with drawmode True. Parameter side: The length of each spiral side Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter ang: The angle of each corner of the spiral Precondition: ang is a number Parameter n: The number of edges of the spiral Precondition: n is a valid number of iterations (int >= 1) Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_valid_turtlemode(t), report_error('Invalid turtle mode', t) assert is_valid_length(side), report_error('side is not a valid length',side) assert is_valid_iteration(n), report_error('n is not a valid number of iterations',side) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) # NOTE: Since n lines must be drawn, use a for loop on a range of integers. pass #################### TASK 3B: Polygons #################### def multi_polygons(w, side, k, n, sp): """Draws polygons using multi_polygons_helper(t, side, k, n, sp) This function clears the window and makes a new turtle t. This turtle starts in the middle of the canvas facing north (NOT the default west). It then calls multi_polygons_helper(t, side, k, n, sp). When it is done, the turtle is left hidden (visible is False). Parameter w: The window to draw upon. Precondition: w is a tkturtle Window object. Parameter side: The length of each polygon side Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter k: The number of polygons to draw Precondition: k is an int >= 1 Parameter n: The number of sides of each polygon Precondition: n is an int >= 3 Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_window(w), report_error('w is not a valid window',w) assert is_valid_length(side), report_error('side is not a valid length',side) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) # HINT: w.clear() clears window. # HINT: set the turtle's visible attribute to False at the end. pass def multi_polygons_helper(t, side, k, n, sp): """Draws k n-sided polygons of side length s. The polygons are drawn by turtle t, starting at the current position. The turtles alternate colors between red and green. Each polygon is drawn starting at the same place (within roundoff errors), but t turns left 360.0/k degrees after each polygon. The turtle draws at speed sp. At the end, ALL ATTRIBUTES of the turtle are the same as they were in the beginning (within roundoff errors). If you change any attributes of the turtle. then you must restore them. Look at the helper draw_polygon for more information. Parameter t: The drawing Turtle Precondition: t is a Turtle with drawmode True. Parameter side: The length of each polygon side Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter k: The number of polygons to draw Precondition: k is an int >= 1 Parameter n: The number of sides of each polygon Precondition: n is an int >= 3 Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_valid_turtlemode(t), report_error('Invalid turtle mode', t) assert is_valid_length(side), report_error('side is not a valid length',side) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) # HINT: make sure that upon termination, t's color and speed are restored # HINT: since k polygons should be drawn, use a for-loop on a range. pass # DO NOT MODIFY def draw_polygon(t, side, n, sp): """Draw an n-sided polygon using of side length side. The polygon is drawn with turtle t using speed sp. WHEN DONE, THE FOLLOWING TURTLE ATTRIBUTES ARE THE SAME AS IT STARTED: position (x and y, within round-off errors), heading, color, speed, visible, and drawmode. There is no need to restore these. Parameter t: The drawing Turtle Precondition: t is a Turtle with drawmode True. Parameter side: The length of each polygon side Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter n: The number of sides of each polygon Precondition: n is an int >= 3 Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # Assert the preconditions assert is_valid_turtlemode(t), report_error('Invalid turtle mode', t) assert is_valid_length(side), report_error('side is not a valid length',side) assert (type(n) == int and n >= 3), report_error('n is an invalid # of poly sides',n) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) # Remember old speed oldspeed = t.speed t.speed = sp ang = 360.0/n # exterior angle between adjacent sides # t is in position and facing the direction to draw the next line. for _ in range(n): t.forward(side) t.left(ang) # Restore the speed t.speed = oldspeed #################### TASK 3C: Radiating lines #################### def radiate(w, side, n, sp): """Draw n straight radiating lines using radiate_helper(t, side, n, sp) This function clears the window and makes a new turtle t. This turtle starts in the middle of the canvas facing east (NOT the default west). It then calls radiate_helper(t, side, n, sp). When it is done, the turtle is left hidden (visible is False). Parameter w: The window to draw upon. Precondition: w is a tkturtle Window object. Parameter side: The length of each radial line Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter n: The number of lines to draw Precondition: n is an int >= 2 Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_window(w), report_error('w is not a valid window',w) assert is_valid_length(side), report_error('side is not a valid length',side) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) # HINT: w.clear() clears window. # HINT: set the turtle's visible attribute to False at the end. pass def radiate_helper(t, side, n, sp): """Draws n straight radiating lines of length s at equal angles. This lines are drawn using turtle t with the turtle moving at speed sp. A line drawn at angle ang, 0 <= ang < 360 has HSV color (ang % 360.0, 1, 1). WHEN DONE, THE FOLLOWING TURTLE ATTRIBUTES ARE THE SAME AS IT STARTED: color, speed, visible, and drawmode. However, the final position and heading may be different. If you changed any of these four in the function, you must change them back. Parameter t: The drawing Turtle Precondition: t is a Turtle with drawmode True. Parameter side: The length of each radial line Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter n: The number of lines to draw Precondition: n is an int >= 2 Parameter sp: The turtle speed. Precondition: sp is a valid turtle speed.""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_valid_turtlemode(t), report_error('Invalid turtle mode', t) assert is_valid_length(side), report_error('side is not a valid length',side) assert is_valid_speed(sp), report_error('sp is not a valid speed',sp) # Notes: # 1. Drawing n lines should be done with a loop that processes # a certain range of integers. # 2. You should keep the heading of the turtle in the range # 0 <= heading < 360. # 3. (t.heading % 360.0, 1, 1) is an HSV representation of the color # determined by turtle t's heading. # 4. You can use an HSV object for the turtle's color attribute, # even though all the examples use strings with color names pass #################### TASK 4A: Cantor Stool #################### def cantor(w, side, hght, d): """Draws a Cantor Stool of dimensions side x hght, and depth d. This function clears the window and makes a new graphics pen p. This pen starts in the middle of the canvas at (0,0). It draws by calling the function cantor_helper(p, 0, 0, side, hght, d). The pen is visible during drawing and should be set to hidden at the end. The pen should have a fill color of red and a line color of black. Parameter w: The window to draw upon. Precondition: w is a tkturtle Window object. Parameter side: The width of the Cantor stool Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter hght: The height of the Cantor stool Precondition: hght is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter d: The recursive depth of the stool Precondition: d is a valid depth (int >= 0)""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_window(w), report_error('w is not a valid window',w) # HINT: Remember to make the Pen visible while drawing pass def cantor_helper(p, x, y, side, hght, d): """Draws a stool of dimensions side x hght, and depth d centered at (x,y) The stool is draw with the current pen color and visibility attribute. Follow the instructions on the course website to recursively draw the Cantor stool. Parameter p: The graphics pen Precondition: p is a Pen with fill attribute False. Parameter x: The x-coordinate of the stool center Precondition: x is a number Parameter y: The y-coordinate of the stool center Precondition: y is a number Parameter side: The width of the Cantor stool Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter hght: The height of the Cantor stool Precondition: hght is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter d: The recursive depth of the stool Precondition: d is a valid depth (int >= 0)""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_valid_penmode(p), report_error('Invalid pen mode', p) # HINT: Use fill_rect instead of setting p's position directly pass def fill_rect(p, x, y, side, hght): """Fill a rectangle of lengths side, hght with center (x, y) using pen p. Parameter p: The graphics pen Precondition: p is a Pen with fill attribute False. Parameter x: The x-coordinate of the rectangle center Precondition: x is a number Parameter y: The y-coordinate of the rectangle center Precondition: y is a number Parameter side: The width of the rectangle Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter hght: The height of the rectangle Precondition: hght is a valid side length (number >= 0)""" # Precondition assertions omitted (DO NOT ADD ANY) # Move to the center and draw p.move(x - side/2.0, y - hght/2.0) p.fill = True p.drawLine( 0, hght) p.drawLine( side, 0) p.drawLine( 0, -hght) p.drawLine(-side, 0) p.fill = False p.move(x - side/2.0, y - hght/2.0) #################### TASK 4B: Sierpinski Triangle #################### def sierpinski(w, side, d): """Draws a Sierpinski Triangle of side length and depth d. This function clears the window and makes a new graphics pen p. This pen starts in the middle of the canvas at (0,0). It draws by calling the function sierpinski_helper(p, 0, 0, side, d). The pen is hidden during drawing and left hidden at the end. The pen should have both a 'magenta' fill color and a 'magenta' line color. Parameter w: The window to draw upon. Precondition: w is a tkturtle Window object. Parameter side: The side-length of the t-square Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter d: The recursive depth of the t-square Precondition: d is a valid depth (int >= 0)""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_window(w), report_error('w is not a valid window',w) # HINT: Remember to make the Pen NOT visible while drawing pass def sierpinski_helper(p, x, y, side, d): """Draws a Sierpinski triangle with side length and depth d anchored at (x, y). The (x,y) defines the lower left corner of the Sierpinksi triangle (NOT the middle as you might want to do). The triangle is draw with the current pen color and visibility attribute. Follow the instructions on the course website to recursively draw the Sierpinski triangle. Parameter p: The graphics pen Precondition: p is a Pen with fill attribute False. Parameter x: The x-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the triangle Precondition: x is a number Parameter y: The y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the triangle Precondition: y is a number Parameter side: The side-length of the triangle Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter d: The recursive depth of the triangle Precondition: d is a valid depth (int >= 0)""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_valid_penmode(p), report_error('Invalid pen mode', p) # HINT: Use fill_triangle instead of setting p's position directly pass # Useful helper function def fill_triangle(p, side): """Fill the equilateral triangle of side length side using pen p. The left point of the triangle base is at the current position of p. In addition, the triangle is pointing up. When done, the position of Pen p should be as it was initially. Parameter p: The graphics pen Precondition: p is a Pen with fill attribute False. Parameter side: The side length of the triangle Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0)""" h = side * math.sqrt(0.75) p.fill = True p.drawLine(side, 0) p.drawLine(-side/2.0, h) p.drawLine(-side/2.0, -h) p.fill = False #################### TASK 5: 3-Branches Tree #################### def branches(w, hght, d): """Draws a three-branches tree with height hght and depth d. This function clears the window and makes a new turtle t. This turtle starts at the bottom of the tree facing north (NOT the default west). Since the tree should be centered at (0,0), this means the turtle is positioned at (0,-hght/2). This function calls branches_helper(t,hght,d), which does all the drawing. When it is done, the turtle is left hidden (visible is False). The turtle color is 'blue'. The Turtle is visible when drawing and hidden at the end. Parameter w: The window to draw upon. Precondition: w is a tkturtle Window object. Parameter hght: The height of the three-branches tree Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter d: The recursive depth of the three-branches tree Precondition: n is a valid depth (int >= 0)""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_window(w), report_error('w is not a valid window',w) # HINT: Remember to make the Turtle visible while drawing pass def branches_helper(t, hght, d): """Draws a tree of height hght and depth d at the current position The tree is draw with the current turtle color, and assuming that the current turtle position is the bottom of the tree. The up-direction of the tree is the current direction of the turtle. At the end, ALL ATTRIBUTES of the turtle are the same as they were in the beginning (within roundoff errors). If you change any attributes of the turtle. then you must restore them. Parameter t: The drawing Turtle Precondition: t is a Turtle with drawmode True. Parameter hght: The height of the three-branches tree Precondition: side is a valid side length (number >= 0) Parameter d: The recursive depth of the three-branches tree Precondition: n is a valid depth (int >= 0)""" # ARE THESE ALL OF THE PRECONDITIONS? assert is_valid_turtlemode(t), report_error('Invalid turtle mode', t) # There is no need for any helpers. Just draw with the Turtle pass ################ Test Function ################# def str_to_int(s): """Returns: int equivalent to s if possible; -1 otherwise. Parameter s: the string to convert Precondition: s is a string""" try: return int(s.strip()) except: return -1 def main(): """Run each of the functions, allowing user to skip functions.""" w = tkturtle.Window() ans = raw_input('Call draw_two_lines? [y/n]: ') if ans.strip().lower() == 'y': draw_two_lines(w,5) ans = raw_input('Call draw_triangle? [y/n]: ') if ans.strip().lower() == 'y': w.clear() turt = tkturtle.Turtle(w) draw_triangle(turt,50,'blue') ans = raw_input('Call draw_hex? [y/n]: ') if ans.strip().lower() == 'y': w.clear() turt = tkturtle.Turtle(w) draw_hex(turt,50) ans = raw_input('Call draw_spiral? [y/n]: ') if ans.strip().lower() == 'y': draw_spiral(w, 1, 24, 64, 0) ans = raw_input('Call multi_polygons? [y/n]: ') if ans.strip().lower() == 'y': multi_polygons(w, 100, 5, 6, 0) ans = raw_input('Call radiate? [y/n]: ') if ans.strip().lower() == 'y': radiate(w, 150, 45, 0) ans = raw_input('Cantor depth [-1 to skip]: ') d = str_to_int(ans) if d >= 0: cantor(w, 200, 100, d) ans = raw_input('Sierpinski depth [-1 to skip]: ') d = str_to_int(ans) if d >= 0: sierpinski(w, 150, d) ans = raw_input('3-Branches depth [-1 to skip]: ') d = str_to_int(ans) if d >= 0: branches(w, 250, d) # Pause for the final image raw_input('Press ') # Application code if __name__ == '__main__': main()