Instance represents a rectangular image in the GameView
The image is given by a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file whose name is stored in the attribute source. Image files should be stored in the Images directory so that Kivy can find them without the complete path name.
In this graphics object, the linecolor and fillcolor attributes are ignored. The image is displayed as a rectangle whose bottom left corner is defined by attribute pos and whose width and height are defined by the attribute size. If the size attribute does not agree with the actual size of the image, the image is scaled to fit.
Constructor: creates a new image.
param keywords: dictionary of keyword arguments Precondition: See below.
To use the constructor for this class, you should provide it with a list of keyword arguments that initialize various attributes. For example, to create an image from the file “gollum.png”, use the constructor call
This class supports the same keywords as GObject. In addition, it supports the keyword source for the attribute of the same name.
This class is a subclass of GObject, and inherits all of its attributes and methods.