CS1110 Fall 2008    A7: Example Quizit Game

Below is a series of screenshots and player input for the game. Click the shark pictures for larger versions. The red notes are important. Please read them carefully.

Comment Picture

The application starts as shown to the right. In this case, there are two topics to learn about: Shark and Monkey. In the window to the right, Shark has been selected in the drop-down menu.

Click button topic, and the window changes to the one shown below.

Image choice

The first version of the Shark image. Each line is labeled with a number because the player hasn't guessed any yet. The numbers are ordered from left to right by the coordinates of the point on the picture (not the coordinates next to the numbers). Your program will have to enforce this rule.

You see two drop-down menus to the right of button topic. One contains a list of labels (numbers) on the lines, the numbers in 0..16. This list is in numerical order, from 0 to 16. The next drop-down menu contains a list of possible terms to be associated with numbers. This list is in alphabetical order.

Suppose you choose number 0 and term "snout" (as in the image to the right) and click button OK. The picture changes to the one shown below to the right.

Shark with numbers for labels
Click the image to see an enlarged version

Aha! You guessed correctly! Number 0 was the snout. The word snout is green, to indicate that it is the correct term. The number 0 no longer appears there.

Because the guess was correct, the number 0 is removed from the numbers drop-down menu and the term snout is removed from the term drop-down menu!!!!! The player cannot choose number 0 or term snout again.

In the image to the right, notice that you selected number 5 from the number drop-down-menu and "Spiracle" from the term drop-down menu. Click OK, and the picture changes to the next one below.

User enters 4

Number 5 is not the spiracle! So the number 5 still remains in the picture, the player's choice of term is also shown, and the number and the term appear in red to indicate that the choice is wrong.

Since the choice is wrong, the lists of numbers and terms in the drop-down menus do not change.

The player can choose another term for number 5 (and click button OK) or choose another number and try to guess its term.

The player continues in this fashion until all the terms have been filled in correctly.


At any point, the player can select another topic from the drop-down menu on the left and click button topic. This starts another game with the selected topic.

Shark with green spiracle label