CS100 M Spring 2008
Prelim 1 Topics
- Scalar variables and operations
- Selection
- Iteration (while loop, for loop)
- MATLAB predefined (built-in) functions (those used in lecture/section/lab/projects)
- vectorized operations (at the level of FVL Section 4.1)
- good programming style
Students are responsible for all material covered in lectures, sections (labs),
homework, and the assigned reading:
- Lecture and section: up to and including 2/14; 2/19 examples on plotting
- Homework: Projects 1 and 2
- Assigned reading: See CS100M-->Lecture Materials, up to and including 2/14
You may be asked to use user-defined functions (such as drawDisk),
but you do not need to write user-defined functions.
Examples on how to use selected MATLAB predefined (built-in) functions
will be given on the exam.
Statements students may not use: