CS100M --> Exams
Exam Conflicts:
- What if you have a known university-excused conflict, like a prelim scheduled at the same time? (Plane tickets for
Spring/Summer/Fall/Thanksgiving/December Breaks do not count.) You must first try rescheduling the event conflicting with the CS100M exam:
- Many courses already offer alternate
test times.
- Often the conflicting exam was not officially scheduled, so the CS100M exam takes precedence.
- If you have exhausted other means for rescheduling your conflict, you must contact
Kelly Patwell, assistant to the instructor:
- Two weeks before the exam
- During her office hours
- You might be eligible to take an early prelim offering at 5:45-7:15 pm. Remember: We will allow only university-excused students who follow course policies to take an early exam.
- Exams will be returned during lecture or section. Unclaimed prelims go to the Engineering Library Reading Room in Carpenter Hall and can be picked up from the CS100 consultant during consulting hours. If you feel that the graders have incorrectly graded an
exam and/or you want a clarification of your grade, you must:
- Go to the Engineering Library Reading Room in Carpenter Hall during
consulting hours.
- Fill out a regrade request form and clearly specify the error.
- Attach the exam to the form.
- Submit the regrade request to a consultant in the reading room and wait while the consultant logs in your request. Do not simply leave your request on the consultant desk
- Please note the CS100M policies:
- We photocopy a random number of exams after grading. Anyone who submits a modified exam or assignment for regrade will receive a letter grade of F for the course.
- You must submit your request within one week after we return your graded work.
- We regrade the entire submission from scratch, so your grade may go up or down.
- Regrades will be accepted for one week after the papers were returned in lecture/section. You can retrieve the regraded material from the consultant in
Carpenter one week after regrade request deadline.
We do not hand back final exams. You can request to see your final exam next semester. Visit
the homework return room in 360 Upson starting at the beginning of the following
semester. The hours are 10:00am - noon and 2:00-4:00pm weekdays. You must review the exam in 360
Upson and return it to the office staff before leaving. If you believe there is
a grading error, fill out a regrade request form and bring it to the
Administrative Assistant for the course, Kelly Patwell, in 5147 Upson. Slip the
request under the door if it is after hours. The course instructor will contact you regarding your request.