CS100M Lecture Feedback Form
Feedback for the Tuesday, 4/10 Lecture.

Random, anonymous ID or NetID (not CUID):

Please rate both how well lecture presented the following topics and how well you understand them.

r-value (contents of box) versus l-value ((location of) box) -- key point: location of a variable is not a value

Pascal's triangle example: Java 1D arrays (declare, create, index) and Java functions (declare, return value)

Java 2D arrays (declare, create, index, row-major versus column-major, aliasing)
Lecture: Understanding:

Java strings ($"$, $length$, $charAt$, $+$)
Lecture: Understanding:

Questions or comments:

Note: please use return and enter to separate paragraphs but not for word-wrap; although the Confirmation page generated when you press Submit does not show word-wrap, please be assured that we receive paragraphs properly wrapped.

How was the pace of the lecture?

How would you rate the lecture overall?